A personal AX8 Fail, to help those still on the waitlist

False economies are hard to avoid. Like we're wired to nickel and dime on the things that matter the least. I have a friend trying to sell a $60,000 car on Craigslist because he doesn't want to pay the $100 fee to have it photographed professionally and listed in AutoTrader.

We're wired to nickel and dime on the things that matter the least. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, that made me feel better!

Lol, just kidding bud. I totally get (and agree with) what you're saying.

I was in a rush, stopping by the house at lunch time and saw the invite... blasted off an order and thought shortly after "idiot, should have done the 2 day." Not a big deal, but comical that I would want an item badly enough to be on a waiting list to get it first and then not take advantage of getting it fast. Says something about me as a musician by choice and a budget manager as part of my profession. I'll spin it nicely and just call it balance. ;)
Ok, late evening delivery, just before a meeting... but it's here!! Will do a post shortly of first impressions. Beautiful unit. I know it doesn't add to the utility, but it has the prettiest startup sequence I have seen. Love that!

Back to AX8ing...
It's such an awesome device. Man, I'm in love with an inanimate object. Fractal hit it out of the park.
Actually, the wait is perfect for me. It won't be here until next Weds, and I'm out of town until Tues... and then it'll be a happy new year!!! ;-)
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