A (hopefully) very straightforward pitch/ harmony question.


I’m expecting my FM9 Turbo within the hour. Is anyone able to either verify or recommend a preset that might feature expression-pedal-controller harmony intervals? I was using the “PitchFlex” setting on my Eventide PitchFactor to do this, but I’d like to consolidate/ simplify if the FM9 is up for it.

Here’s an example from the PitchFactor editor:


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I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking for, but there is a Whammy type in the Pitch block. Mix in the dry signal, and you’ve got your interval.
I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking for, but there is a Whammy type in the Pitch block. Mix in the dry signal, and you’ve got your interval.
I'm guessing he wants to use an expression pedal to change the intervals in the Pitch block.

Looking at the screenshots I can see 2 knobs for "Heel" and "Toe" and they appear to have +/- minor/Major indications.

I don't recall if the pitch offset can be assigned to a modifier...
The Pitch block has a Dual Diatonic model and the harmony parameter can be attached to a modifier to use an expression pedal for the Toe up and Down settings.

Yep - this is what I do.

For example, set the harmonizer to play a diatonic 3rd above and a diatonic 5th above, then set the expression pedal to change the top harmony between the 5th and a diatonic 6th above - which gives a first inversion chord (with the note played on the guitar being the 3rd).

For example, in C major if you play a C the harmonizer gives an E and G, but sweep the expression pedal and it changes the G to an A, giving Am first inversion. Or play a D and toggle between D minor (D F A) and Bdim first inversion (D F B) using the expression pedal.

To play a I - V - vii dim (i.e., V7 with no root) - vi: play a C in heel position (C E G), then play a B in toe position (B D G), then move the pedal to heel position to add the 4th scale degree (B D F), then play A in heel position (A C E), or play C in toe position (C E A) for a different voicing.
Yep - this is what I do.

For example, set the harmonizer to play a diatonic 3rd above and a diatonic 5th above, then set the expression pedal to change the top harmony between the 5th and a diatonic 6th above - which gives a first inversion chord (with the note played on the guitar being the 3rd).

For example, in C major if you play a C the harmonizer gives an E and G, but sweep the expression pedal and it changes the G to an A, giving Am first inversion. Or play a D and toggle between D minor (D F A) and Bdim first inversion (D F B) using the expression pedal.

To play a I - V - vii dim (i.e., V7 with no root) - vi: play a C in heel position (C E G), then play a B in toe position (B D G), then move the pedal to heel position to add the 4th scale degree (B D F), then play A in heel position (A C E), or play C in toe position (C E A) for a different voicing.
Wow, nice! Still have to receive my order mail but I would love to see a tutorial of this!
Thanks! I have this working…partially.

On one scene, I have the Pitch Block on Channel A, based on some first inversion chords. On the next scene, I’d thought setting the Pitch Block to Channel B and starting with some second inversion chords should work…but doing that completely trashes the expression pedal settings (in the form of resetting/ throwing off the intervals) on the first scene. Any suggestions there?
Thanks! I have this working…partially.

On one scene, I have the Pitch Block on Channel A, based on some first inversion chords. On the next scene, I’d thought setting the Pitch Block to Channel B and starting with some second inversion chords should work…but doing that completely trashes the expression pedal settings (in the form of resetting/ throwing off the intervals) on the first scene. Any suggestions there?
Any thoughts on that issue?
Any thoughts on that issue?
If I understand you correctly you would need a second expression pedal and the possibility to assign different expression pedals to the same control in different scenes, each programmed to generate their own intervals. That might not be possible...
You can also isolate the pedal so it affects only one channel of the Pitch block.

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If I set my preset up so there was a Dual Diatonic with my first inversion chord progression on Channel A, and a Quad Diatonic with my second inversion chord progression on Channel B - should that work (only two channels of pitch block per preset, right?)?
If I set my preset up so there was a Dual Diatonic with my first inversion chord progression on Channel A, and a Quad Diatonic with my second inversion chord progression on Channel B - should that work (only two channels of pitch block per preset, right?)?
There are 4 channels...
Do you have a recording or some way to make a quick tab/chart of this harmony? Even just listing the combinations of intervals you need would clear some things up.

From the details given so far it sounds like you only need two inversions, which could be covered by two channels (no modifiers) or one channel with modifiers. I'm guessing there might be more to it, like pedal going 3rd>4th and/or 5th>6th from either of two starting inversions.
The wiki is incorrect. The Pitch Block in the Axe-Fx III, FM9, and FM3 has FOUR channels: A,B,C,D.
So with 4 channels in the pitch block, shouldn’t I be able to - for example - set A to Dual Chromatic (no expression assignment), B to Dual Diatonic, and C to Quad Diatonic?

I’m able to assign my expression pedal to control the intervals on channel B, but once I set different intervals in channel C, it completely trashes the expression settings on channel B.
The wiki is incorrect. The Pitch Block in the Axe-Fx III, FM9, and FM3 has FOUR channels: A,B,C,D.
Yes, you could do this:

Channel A to Dual Chromatic,
Channel B to Dual Diatonic,
Channel C to Quad Diatonic,
Channel D to any other type.

Expression ("Modifier") control can then be set to affect ALL channels or your choice of ANY ONE channel.
Hopefully this helps explain what I'm running into. I've also exported the preset, so if having that would help, please let me know (do we just upload those or would that need to be zipped first?).

Using chromatic presets, the intervals are expressed in semitones. In this first example (first two screenshots), I have a major triad (IV), moving up two frets gives (V), and then moving up one fret after the expression pedal is moved toe-down gives a (I). This is on Channel B.

On Channel C (and on the next scene), I switched to Quad Chromatic, but (for now) have voices 3 and 4 turned off. Same fingerboard movements, resulting in a IV-V-I progression, but with different intervals set to be controlled by the expression pedal for a different inversion.

Now here's where I start to run into problems. Switching back to the previous scene leaves the Pitch Block on Channel C...but even when I switch it back manually, the intervals are not what I initially set for Scene 2/ Channel B - but instead the ones I input for Scene 3/ Channel C.

It would be ideal to have both sets of progressions in the same preset, but I have not been able to get them working independently. Am I stupid? Probably...but I think I've followed all the suggestions offered so far to the letter.

Please let me know if you'd like to see the preset - and if I should zip it first. Thanks again!
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