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A departure from my normal...


I've been having so much fun with the Q7.xx releases. I've really used it as an excuse to push my base tones out of my usual Trey-Anatasio-inspired based, trying new amp and speaker IR combos I've ignored up until now.

The last few weeks I've settled in on an ODS-100 Clean base with a Microamp drive pedal to juice the whole works. It's a big, hi-fi'ish clean with a low end that's present but quite tight. Round but not flubby. There's more of the spectrum covered in the tone, it's less mid-focused than where I'd normally go. And...I'm loving it!

I was playing with a Sparkle Drive for my higher gain drive pedal but have come back to my higher gain TS-9 block settings for now -- I found the Sparkle Drive + ODS + PRS Hollowbody combination was great for sustain and feedback but just wasn't cutting like I needed it to with the band. So TS-9 for now and I'll work with the Sparkle Drive later when I've got some more time. That new drive model has a lot of promise.

I'm also running a light reverb always-on for the first time ever. I like the space I get in the room with just a touch of reverb. I loosen up and play a little better when the sounds not so immediate, so direct.

I'm gigging this setup on Saturday night. It's been sounding great in the small rehearsal space we have, but I'm really excited to hear it in a big room full of people.

A screen shot to enjoy while you download the presets:

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 10.00.20 PM.png

Here's the Axe-Fx II XL+ kitchen-sink preset: http://axechange.fractalaudio.com/detail.php?preset=5392

And here's a 5-preset bank for you AX8 users that has the base tones plus some different combinations of special effects around them: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mis9mb6f0h5okaf/[iaresee] Ford Prefect Bank - v1.syx?dl=0

About the preset name, Ford Prefect. I had actually started dialing in a very mid-range-y ODS-100 Ford 1 base tone so the name came from that and world's greatest intergallactic hitch hiking alien, see? If you flip to the Y side of the AMP block in any preset you can hear the Ford 1 tone. Compare them! Tell me what you think!

And how about a clip? This is off the floor from a little handheld recorder so the mix is what it is.

And a HUGE thank you to @Rex who gave me some excellent, critical feedback on the sounds as I left my safe harbor and headed out to sea.
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@iaresee , I really like where you've taken this. It totally works for the Mayer-like thing. You've taught me something about working outside your comfort zone.
Nice! I've also recently been putting an always-on light reverb when playing through my Xitone wedges. I had to start using it with IEMs because the sound was way too direct... Now I use the same one when not using the IEMs.
Nice! I've also recently been putting an always-on light reverb when playing through my Xitone wedges. I had to start using it with IEMs because the sound was way too direct... Now I use the same one when not using the IEMs.
I am really looking forward to hearing your Xitones next month. I'm feeling this is the year I go stereo pair for FRFR and I'm on the fence with Xitone or CLR.
I am really looking forward to hearing your Xitones next month. I'm feeling this is the year I go stereo pair for FRFR and I'm on the fence with Xitone or CLR.
Yeah... For sure. If everything lines up we should have a great selection of FRFR to compare side by side!

My bass player will probably not make it so we will miss out on his AccuGroove cabs... :(
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