7 FRFR solutions auditioned side by side - my mind is blown

paulmapp8306 said:
I dont quite understand the second question there.
I'm sorry. I don't speak english very well :oops:
Im asking if the solution you choose cover your needs: weight, volume, etc

Im trying to say that it's very difficult to rate the audio quality becouse is very subjective, but price is a objetive data you can compare.
paulmapp8306: In your opinion, how did the 322-A compare to the others in terms of ability to get loud and still sound clean/good?
Chad said:
paulmapp8306: In your opinion, how did the 322-A compare to the others in terms of ability to get loud and still sound clean/good?

Pretty good actually. The demo room was BIG. There were tops all set up on stands (ranging from db audio at the bottom end to some REALLY expensive £3000 tops) and the size of the room meant they could all be wound up full. Well ish.

For the demos I set them all to 0 db. Onthe Codas for instance that was full. for the QSCs it was at noon on the dial. This means theres more room to go up on the QSCs BUT given a 0db input to them they'll start to peak. At the demo volumes I had the axe set at 3 levels. 9 O'Clock, noon and 3 O'Clock. All speakers stayed clear and clean at these settings. The QSCs did start to get a little fuzzy when the axe was pushed full, the RCFs and FBTs did not. I only pushed the axe full to see if the QSCs went ouder then the RCFs cleanly - they didnt.

As for volume, the Codas were loudest and crystal clear. The 722a next not that far behind. There was a drop to the 322a, then a further drop oto the K12 and 122is. The ma12 was quieter still and the D.A.R.T the quietest. This didnt actually tally with the SPL figures which put the QSCs and RCFs the other way round - but quoted figures should always be taken with a pinch of salt.
That is the big question :lol:

I could spend £800 (so an RCF 322a, either QSC, the 12ma or hopefully the Atomic) and keep my Art and Cab. This will give me the chance to try FRFR without loosing my existing setup. If I dont like it i can sell it and still have my current solution.

If I get the coda the cab at least has to go to fund it. Thats not so appealing. 1st impressions were that it is worth doing - but as time goes on it becomes less so. I cant decide.

If I didnt have to sell the cab then the I would have the Coda for sure.

i do have a PA at present - but its not great (Wharfedale series - and there 15" tops so not so defined in the mids and the highs are a little harsh).

I have the option at present to run amp/cab - with the limitations on versatility that carries - at unmicd/small venues. For larger ones I can still monitor that way - BUT - as we know it takes more than a cab block to make the FRFR sounds sweet (on a patch designed for amp/cab) and vica versa. This is why Im looking at a FRFR monitor - NOT because Im unhappy with my Amp/Cab.

If I got the Coda Im sure it could replace my cab as backline (in time) which after this test Im not convinced the others could. The Atomic may also provide the answer (cheaper) but who knows at present.

I may have to go back in a couple of weeks and take my cab. I can have a play and see how things compare (coda) and if the RCFs can be made to sound close.
One would think we could find an excellent choice from someone like Yamaha, JBL or some touring class pro audio company.
Unfortunately I'm in the states, so I wouldn't be able to visit, but I'm still curious about what shop this was. Sounds like they know their stuff, have a great setup/selection, and work with the customer's needs. Give 'em a mention, if you feel so inclined! :)

Also, I was curious about the Coda's weight: 23kg or 50lbs
I checked the us distributor, but he thought that they were discontinued, and quoted me a price of about $2500 for the ap12...ouch. Out of reach at least for a while and with it being 3x the price of the fbt verve 12ma, I'd have to hear it before I'd pay that much.
Yeh - the PA shop is callede Reasound. Its Northern Irelands only PA place really. I even tried Mercury av in England - who are also very good - but they hadnt heard of Coda as a brand for PA boxs (though when I explained the info below they had heard of the company).

Aparently, there prime buisiness isnt PA boxs. They make componants. They provide most of the drivers and many other componants for JBLs top end stuff - including its line arrays. They also manufacture parts (drivers, descrete componants, amp modules, x-overs etc) that are used in brands such as d&b, Martins, HK Audio and FBT (amongst others) in their higher end equipment. Ther German which is only ever a good thing with design !!

There line of PA boxs is I presume a start at maybe entering the market themselves? or a cheaper quality option? (rather than the higher equivilant products from the named companies they supply parts to) either way there very nice.

The price I was quoted of £1300 (which is around $2000) was heavily discounted too - rrp was over £2k each.
Man you must have had that demo room just smoking loud to imply that the HPR122i wasn't comparatively loud. That is one loud cabinet if your patches are level optimized!

As for this whole Coda thing... can it really be worth that much money ($2000-2500 usd)? I mean, that's ALOT of jack considering you are really the only one that will be able to enjoy it since the audience will only hear whatever FAR worse quality PA you're plugged into.

The Atomic FR does have some serious appeal because of the tube power section and for less than 1/3 the price of the Coda. You gotta admit that a tube poweramp slays a SS poweramp anyday of the week. I always think back to the Rocktron Velocity series. The Velocity 300 sounded great and was loud when that was all you had as a reference. Paired with an old blackface Chameleon it was a decent sounding rig (back in the day). Then a friend of mine just went for it and got the Egnater designed Velocity Valve with real tubes and that thing destroyed anything and everything in it's path. Compared to the Velocity 300 it just ate it for lunch - no contest. It made a Chameleon rig a serious contender. I am really curious to hear what the new Atomic offering brings to the table.
I had carefully written a respose that was lost in a server glitch. It´s 3 in the night in Scandinavia so here is a quick not so thorough rewrite. Sorry for any language problems, I haven´t had the time to read through it carefully.

I have no horse in the race of what is the best FRFR speaker of the ones the OP listed. I'm going to base my touring Axe Fx rig on IEM, but I´m interested in a small high quality FRFR solution for certain things.
I´ve heard the HPR 122i with an iPod at low conversation volumes and thought it sounded quite good. With the Axe the only monitors I´ve tried was the active FBT Maxx series 2 and 4 and I found both utterly lifeless without dynamics and totally useless. IMHO the Axe straight into the loop return on a Fender Deville sounded much better.
For me the Axe came to life as a "amp or rig" simulator when I updated the firmware form 5.04 to 7.06 (I think), and I think the key to make it work is how you amplify it.

Ringleader said:
Man you must have had that demo room just smoking loud to imply that the HPR122i wasn't comparatively loud. That is one loud cabinet if your patches are level optimized!

As for this whole Coda thing... can it really be worth that much money ($2000-2500 usd)? I mean, that's ALOT of jack considering you are really the only one that will be able to enjoy it since the audience will only hear whatever FAR worse quality PA you're plugged into.

The Atomic FR does have some serious appeal because of the tube power section and for less than 1/3 the price of the Coda. You gotta admit that a tube poweramp slays a SS poweramp anyday of the week. I always think back to the Rocktron Velocity series. The Velocity 300 sounded great and was loud when that was all you had as a reference. Paired with an old blackface Chameleon it was a decent sounding rig (back in the day). Then a friend of mine just went for it and got the Egnater designed Velocity Valve with real tubes and that thing destroyed anything and everything in it's path. Compared to the Velocity 300 it just ate it for lunch - no contest. It made a Chameleon rig a serious contender. I am really curious to hear what the new Atomic offering brings to the table.

With all due respect I have problems with and beg to differ with the above statements.

1) How do you know that the PA is always if ever going to be inferior to the Coda ? I know the OP has a PA that is inferior, but maybe he sometimes plays at venues with PA superior to the Coda. Is it necessarily important wether the house PA is of higher quality than the OP's personal monitor?
I have heard (on recordings from the FOH and live) the effect that different stage monitors has had on our performances. When you hear yourself well you can enjoy the performance and make music, when you don´t hear yourself or the details in the music optimally you struggle and the performance suffers. I´ve heard our singer's vocal performances go up more than one step with the same guy running the monitor board and in the same venue when the soundcompany changed the brand of stage monitors.
So although I´ve never heard the Coda AP12 I think that they could very well be worth the price, at least to gigging players with regards to
a) Personal satisfaction - very important to me to perform at my best and be inspired
b) Performance level as described above, and thus the number of gigs you and your band gets
c) The amount of gigging abuse the unit will take, and thus how many years the unit will perform well for you - the Coda seems like a real pro piece, whereas the others are semipro pieces.

2 Why do you think that the Atomic FR have some serious appeal ???
a) You are naturally entitled to that opinion and I get the point that the price is a lot lower, but because of a tube power section ???? If you prefer tubes why don´t you go with a tube preamp as well?
I love the tube stuff so don´t get me wrong, but I think that one of the greatest things about the Axe is that it´s the first solid state product IMHO to rival the tube stuff for guitar sounds. The Axe has great tube sound emulation pre- and poweramp wise, and the cool thing is that it can poduce all the tube sounds without any tubes anywhere in your signal chain. Tubes increases the number of spares you have to bring to a gig, and add an element of maintainence, weight and reliabillity that I at least (and I don´t think I´m alone here) am trying to get away from.
When I heard that the Atomic FR was going to be tube based I was disappointed for the reasons described above, but I think that the disicion was made fully or in part by Atomic and Fractal because Atomic already had tube knowhow and a tube based platform and it was quicker and easier to tweak that to some extent than to make a brand new solid state platform, and also because they know that guitarists are very much a bunch of traditionalists and so many would instinctively think that tubes are better than solid state. I think that the Axe Fx has shown us that there is a way of getting the tube tones without using tubes.
b) when you compare a low level, low price solid power stage like the Velocity 300 with a tube poweramp of cause the latter is going to sound a lot better. That doesn´t mean that a tube poweramp always sound better than a solid state poweramp. And don´t forget that with the Axe Fx you allready have the tube power amp sound, you just need to amplify it - that was not the case in the Velocity 300 vs the Velocity Valve example you gave above.
Also you have to compare products in the same league (and even then you have to be careful) to make any generalisations on one technology's tonal superiority over the other. Or would you conclude that all single coil equipped guitars are inferior to humbugger equipped guitars after one A/B test of a 100$ single coil equipped guitar from Walmart against a well made 1000$ humbugger equipped guitar ??
I don´t know if the price difference in my example is bigger than in the Velocity 300 vs the Velocity Valve example you gave above, but that is not really important, I think you catch my drift anyway.
Sixstring said:
geetarman said:
I was hoping EAW would build one of these wedges http://www.eaw.com/products/MW12.html with a power section but it wouldn't be cheap.

I have played through one of these for a few years (when Raiden was the manufacture) and they are quite small so I doubt you could even fit an amp inside of one. The 12" version would be a better candiadte.

I hear you I like the overall shape and compactness of the design I'd imagine it's possible to make it in a similar shape just larger to accomodate the power amp section. That said it would probably be too expensive for just Axefx use. The link I provided was for the 12" version.
Rocket Brother said:
I had carefully written a respose that was lost in a server glitch. It´s 3 in the night in Scandinavia so here is a quick not so thorough rewrite. Sorry for any language problems, I haven´t had the time to read through it carefully.

I have no horse in the race of what is the best FRFR speaker of the ones the OP listed. I'm going to base my touring Axe Fx rig on IEM, but I´m interested in a small high quality FRFR solution for certain things.
I´ve heard the HPR 122i with an iPod at low conversation volumes and thought it sounded quite good. With the Axe the only monitors I´ve tried was the active FBT Maxx series 2 and 4 and I found both utterly lifeless without dynamics and totally useless. IMHO the Axe straight into the loop return on a Fender Deville sounded much better.
For me the Axe came to life as a "amp or rig" simulator when I updated the firmware form 5.04 to 7.06 (I think), and I think the key to make it work is how you amplify it.

Ringleader said:
Man you must have had that demo room just smoking loud to imply that the HPR122i wasn't comparatively loud. That is one loud cabinet if your patches are level optimized!

As for this whole Coda thing... can it really be worth that much money ($2000-2500 usd)? I mean, that's ALOT of jack considering you are really the only one that will be able to enjoy it since the audience will only hear whatever FAR worse quality PA you're plugged into.

The Atomic FR does have some serious appeal because of the tube power section and for less than 1/3 the price of the Coda. You gotta admit that a tube poweramp slays a SS poweramp anyday of the week. I always think back to the Rocktron Velocity series. The Velocity 300 sounded great and was loud when that was all you had as a reference. Paired with an old blackface Chameleon it was a decent sounding rig (back in the day). Then a friend of mine just went for it and got the Egnater designed Velocity Valve with real tubes and that thing destroyed anything and everything in it's path. Compared to the Velocity 300 it just ate it for lunch - no contest. It made a Chameleon rig a serious contender. I am really curious to hear what the new Atomic offering brings to the table.

With all due respect I have problems with and beg to differ with the above statements.

1) How do you know that the PA is always if ever going to be inferior to the Coda ? I know the OP has a PA that is inferior, but maybe he sometimes plays at venues with PA superior to the Coda. Is it necessarily important wether the house PA is of higher quality than the OP's personal monitor?
I have heard (on recordings from the FOH and live) the effect that different stage monitors has had on our performances. When you hear yourself well you can enjoy the performance and make music, when you don´t hear yourself or the details in the music optimally you struggle and the performance suffers. I´ve heard our singer's vocal performances go up more than one step with the same guy running the monitor board and in the same venue when the soundcompany changed the brand of stage monitors.
So although I´ve never heard the Coda AP12 I think that they could very well be worth the price, at least to gigging players with regards to
a) Personal satisfaction - very important to me to perform at my best and be inspired
b) Performance level as described above, and thus the number of gigs you and your band gets
c) The amount of gigging abuse the unit will take, and thus how many years the unit will perform well for you - the Coda seems like a real pro piece, whereas the others are semipro pieces.

2 Why do you think that the Atomic FR have some serious appeal ???
a) You are naturally entitled to that opinion and I get the point that the price is a lot lower, but because of a tube power section ???? If you prefer tubes why don´t you go with a tube preamp as well?
I love the tube stuff so don´t get me wrong, but I think that one of the greatest things about the Axe is that it´s the first solid state product IMHO to rival the tube stuff for guitar sounds. The Axe has great tube sound emulation pre- and poweramp wise, and the cool thing is that it can poduce all the tube sounds without any tubes anywhere in your signal chain. Tubes increases the number of spares you have to bring to a gig, and add an element of maintainence, weight and reliabillity that I at least (and I don´t think I´m alone here) am trying to get away from.
When I heard that the Atomic FR was going to be tube based I was disappointed for the reasons described above, but I think that the disicion was made fully or in part by Atomic and Fractal because Atomic already had tube knowhow and a tube based platform and it was quicker and easier to tweak that to some extent than to make a brand new solid state platform, and also because they know that guitarists are very much a bunch of traditionalists and so many would instinctively think that tubes are better than solid state. I think that the Axe Fx has shown us that there is a way of getting the tube tones without using tubes.
b) when you compare a low level, low price solid power stage like the Velocity 300 with a tube poweramp of cause the latter is going to sound a lot better. That doesn´t mean that a tube poweramp always sound better than a solid state poweramp. And don´t forget that with the Axe Fx you allready have the tube power amp sound, you just need to amplify it - that was not the case in the Velocity 300 vs the Velocity Valve example you gave above.
Also you have to compare products in the same league (and even then you have to be careful) to make any generalisations on one technology's tonal superiority over the other. Or would you conclude that all single coil equipped guitars are inferior to humbugger equipped guitars after one A/B test of a 100$ single coil equipped guitar from Walmart against a well made 1000$ humbugger equipped guitar ??
I don´t know if the price difference in my example is bigger than in the Velocity 300 vs the Velocity Valve example you gave above, but that is not really important, I think you catch my drift anyway.
Wow dude you wrote this twice? Rock-it Brother!
If the Coda helps a person dial in tones that translate perfectly to all systems then it would probably be worth the money.
But, you're right and thanks for sharing. I think you should buy a Coda and tell us about whether or not it is worth the money.
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