5 Minute Tones

I'm more perplexed by your multiple references to "jewel delay"! o_O

Yeah... that's what it sounds like to these northern North American ears... ;)

There's an amazing amount of history tied up in the changes in language, vocabulary, and pronunciation over the centuries. They are a living thing, and change over time as people bump into other people who speak other languages. One can argue English has split into a number of different, nearly separate languages over the last 250 or so years....

Thankfully, a ripping guitar tone with H3000 special sauce all over it cuts through all that....
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I don’t know about languages but the vernacular of areas sometimes amazes me but one thing that amazes me more is how threads have a life of their own. I love it.
What next, me saying bayta instead of beeta?!
I actually heard a BBC Radio 4 (that's the serious radio channel for grown-ups) newscaster pronounce beta as "bayta" a couple of weeks ago. I'm still slowly getting over it.

Don't do it Leon! ;)

(Thinking about it, only about a week ago. It was when Crowdstrike managed to crash a decent proportion of important computer systems worldwide in one fell swoop. And people round here worry about a couple of Scenes in a Preset not responding quite how they did in the last FW...)
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+2 - Symphonic is such a classic sound! My first multi-effect was an FX500. Eventually added a SPX90, SPX90-II, SPX990, SPX2000, and FX900 at various points. Nothing sounds quite like it... would love to have this in the chorus block!
If you want some SPX90 tones, they're here

I have no idea what kind of black magic you've done to recreate the SPX90 Symphonic sound, but woah is it spot on. I've tried numerous plug-ins to no avail as each and every one of them were slightly off. Some had less drive, funky EQs, etc. Your preset is the closest I've tried to the real deal.

Here's an A/B comparison to my SPX90 and your Axe Fx emulated preset. Of course with Gothic Metal bass toan. :)
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