4 Cable Method (4CM) Heaven

Fx block, if you're using it as a replacement for your amp/cab stuff, pretty much goes in the same place in the line-up as your amp. Wah, compressor, pedals, other kinds of pre-preamp stuff first (the usual stuff you put after your guitar, but before your amp), then the fx loop (when you're using either an outboard preamp or the preamp section of yur amp), then the delays, chorus, etc., then out to your noise making - power amp or return on the fx loop on your amp head or combo. The chart made by mrstrat just above your post shows it exactly. The second amp in the diagram is if you want your output to be stereo. So: signal flow for the 4CM - guitar, to AxeFX input, Axe-FX fx send (marked on the back), to amp front input, amp send (from it's fx loop), to AxeFX return (marked as such on the back), AxeFX out, to amp head return, amp head out to speakers. The loop on your amp has to be engaged, the fx loop in the AxeFX (as long as it is not bypassed) routes the signal to/from your amp's preamp section. Super simple - only three/four hours of head scratching, feedback, choice obscenities, eventual manual reading and re-reading, in addition to reading all the on-line stuff, such as my little word-festival. Volume balancing and control is another discussion, but don't forget to be sure everything has some volume up (7 or 8 o'clock, just to be sure you get signal), then - well, go for it. One of the benefits is you can mix/match, change the order, add and/or subtract stuff at will without a single cord, power supply, or rack. Downside - learning curve - and if you're here in the first place, you've got to know that's a part of it. Hope there's a little bit of help here.
I've done extensive comparisons of the preamp models to actual preamps and they measure and sound identical. You have something set up wrong. You should note that when you turn off the power amp modeling the Presence control turns into a shelving filter. So if you leave it fully CCW (default) then you'll get a 12 dB cut in your high frequencies which will sound like it's under a blanket.

Is this in the Wiki?? If it's not, it should be...this REALLY helped me.
To be honest, i don't hear that much difference between going in the front of the amp and 4 cm. I know it's suppose to be cleaner but i don't hear that much difference. Maybe it's just all the ear abuse in my youth lol.
To be honest, i don't hear that much difference between going in the front of the amp and 4 cm. I know it's suppose to be cleaner but i don't hear that much difference. Maybe it's just all the ear abuse in my youth lol.

It makes a huge difference if the preamp is distorting. If the amp is clean or only slightly dirty, the difference is minor.
Just wondering. Has anyone tried to Run the Axe Fx 2 with their monitors AND Amp or Amps with an ABY switch...?

Seems like their could be some major tonal things possible. Especially with a Morley Tripler?
Just wondering. Has anyone tried to Run the Axe Fx 2 with their monitors AND Amp or Amps with an ABY switch...?

Seems like their could be some major tonal things possible. Especially with a Morley Tripler?

I've used it with my Carr Rambler as the dry center and my 2 RCF NX-10 SMA's as the left and right channels in a wet-dry-wet rig and got glorius results.
The first part of the signal chain in the Axe included wah, drive, trem and a few other things and went to both the Rambler and the wet channels. On the wet channels / outs going to the RCF's I had either one of the Bassmans, the Deluxe Reverb or the Twin Reverb model, an appropriate cab and fx's engaged.
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