4 amps at one



I have a question. I use as my main patch a preset like these one:

The 2 amp have X/Y values so i have 4 different amps, and using scenes i have 4 different sounding amps in a single preset.

Is it a good solution or the amps are in lower resolution in these way?

Thanks so much



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It's a very good way. At most, it lets you run two amps simultaneously, and the Axe II was designed to do that.
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There are latency issues when switching scenes if you have high CPU usage!

If this bothers you or is not acceptable ....I suggest for certain scenes leave the amps in question un-bypassed and then by utilising either a mixer block or volume blocks.....use an XP controller pedal to fade quickly between the amps.
I have no high cpu usage, and i don't use 2 amps at once, just one. But so I have in 4 scenes, four different amp flavours, with zero latency.
I too utilize 4 amps...but with high CPU usage.

My suggestion is in the event you start utilizing more blocks and for more elaborate setup grids.

Working great for me!
I think latency is an appropriate term as it is an experience in a lag or delay of an operation or activation.
I think latency is an appropriate term as it is an experience in a lag or delay of an operation or activation.
Latency is a time lag in the flow of your signal. It's the time difference between when you pick the note and when you hear your pick attack in the speaker. Or so I think. :)
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