3 power amp choices for Axe Fx II. Help me!


Hi, I'm fairly new to this Axe Fx world and after having spent some time with the unit now I need to amplify my sound to go live.

I'm thinking of going with one of this routes:

1. Axe Fx 2 through ART SLA 2 into 212 cab. (SS power amp)
2. Axe Fx 2 through Carvin TS-100 into 212 cab. (tube power amp)
3. Axe Fx 2 through H&K Statesman tube head into 212 cab. (tube preamp + tube power amp)

I am liking number 3 cause I would have tube power amp with the option of not having to use the Axe II every time as the amp has it own sounds. That reason is why I think 3 > 2, and both are > 1 because of the tubes.

Please help me with this tough decision, what route would you choose?

Thank you!
What do you plane on using the Axe for? I mean it is a molder and running it through a tube head or guitar cab will limit the flexibility quite a bit. So you need to look at how your going to use the box of tools (Axe Fx) in this case.

If I had to choose I would go with doors 1 and 2... this at least gives you the option of using FR and take advantage of everything the Axe has to offer.
Have you looked into a full range, flat response setup (FRFR)? For example, some PA speakers? You can get the most out of the Axe that way. If you stay with your 212 cab, you'll have that sound no matter what, whereas with a PA setup, you can use the Axe's cabinet modelling to get different sounds. Have a look around this forum and see what speakers people are using.
Let's see:

@Sixstrings: I would use the AFX2 into the effects loop of the Statesman head, so that I only use the power amp. That way I would disable power amp and cabinet emulation within the AFX2. Some people have told me to go that way because they say when passing the sound through tubes it "comes to life". I am no expert at all, that's why I ask you!

@Cliff: if you wouldn't choose any of the options, what would be the best solution for you? Thank you for helping.

@Markyd: I didn't have tube or SS power amps in mind at first because if I went through the effects loop of an amp I would have the same output plus the amp itself to be used separately from the axe some times. Maybe I'm mistaken but that may be the best way to spend the money?

@davidespinosa: I would like to pass the sound through tubes, but maybe that would be a more than perfect solution.

Thank you all for your responses, I'm trying to clarify this mess that's in my head right now with tubes and SS and FR and what not.
@Sixstring: I would use the AFX2 into the effects loop of the Statesman head, so that I only use the power amp. That way I would disable power amp and cabinet emulation within the AFX2. Some people have told me to go that way because they say when passing the sound through tubes it "comes to life". I am no expert at all, that's why I ask you!

Ok your asking so I'm giving you MY opinion FWIW ;). First I will concede that I have not played an Axe through a Statesman so I can't comment on how it will color the tone of an amp sim you are wanting to run through it. I would imagine it will color it some so you don't get the full benefit of the amp sim (Power amp in this case) a compromise for sure. Same for the cab, you limit the what the Axe was designed to do in the first place. The Axe ll is a big friggen big box of tools and your only going to use a few :?. So that out of the way if your looking for a quick and dirty answer then yes you could run the Axe through the effects loop of that amp and you might and I stress might have some good results with SOME of the amp sims. It really boils down to how you intend to use and what you expect to get from the Axe.

Personally I would not spend the money on the Axe ll to run in this manor but that's me. I Might be more inclined to go with an Ultra or Standard for the way you looking to run it. For me I really like the FR approach. There's so many different tones to play with so it makes it hard for me to go back to playing with just a few. I'm willing to give up the raw cab sound for a mic'd cab sound which to me wasn't that big of a deal once time was spent dialing in presets. Based on some of the Axe ll sound clips I've heard so far FR cab tones are not that far off.

If you run a stand alone power amp, SS or tube at least you have the option of running guitar cab or FR cab... your choice so your not stuck running one or the other. As to which type of amp is for you to decide, I am happy with the SLA-2 that I have been running for 4 years it hasn't given me any problems considering how Im using it. Now and if I had the extra $$ I would more then likely step to the Matrix, not so much for the tonal differences but the size and weight of that amp.

Lastly... even if you go with the Axe ll and run the way your talking, if you don't like it you do have the option of trying other solutions so there you have it :lol. Hope that helped.
Ive used a valve head (VHT 50ST), then the Art SAL, then a VHT 2:50:2, and finally a Matrix GT800FX, all with my standard.

The absolute best sonically? The VHT 2:50:2 power amp. Best all round? The Matrix because sonically it was very close to the VHT but at only 1U and 3.7kg was a better package.

IMO an FX loop of the valve amp is not ideal. yes your running through valves, but the PA section is voiced to suit the amp at the very least. Also you almost certainly need to run power amp sims off which is a complete waste. The VHT stuff is fairly neutral so you can run the sims on. Personally I can live without cab sim and run into a guitar cab but its taste.

Having said that, as you have the Statesman already give it a shot - your not going to loose anything and if it works for you then fine. After that if you dont like it you can add a power amp later.

Art SLA - cheapest and doers an OK job but nothing special. 1U
Matrix GT800FX - more expensive, but the best sounding SS Power amp. More power and 1U
Atomic 50:50 - valve and from what Ive hear sounds good. Heavy (not as much as the VHT) and 2U. More $ than the Matrix, less than the VHT
VHT 2:50:2/2:90:2 probably the absolute best BUT heavyist and most expensive 2U
If you are a believer in the mystical power of tube "mojo," then by all means use a tube power amp.
Thanks for your feedback, I think I have everything clearer now. It's true that using the AF2 into the power amp section of the Statesman it may color the tone, that's the bad point of that setup. So the other best option of the above I think it's using the Matrix for sound/price. I'll decide between any of these two I think.

If any of these don't work for me, then I'll start looking at FRFR, though not for the moment as I prefer sticking with tubes/SS + cab right now.

@davidespinosa: that's a legitimate question, but it's easily answered: I can obtain a lot of amps through the AF2 and use them through real tubes. It will sound almost like the real amp. The other way, if I had to buy every amp separately, well, I would be a lot poorer and my back would suffer a lot!

Many thanks again all!
For me, the best is a good tube power amp.

I've tried everything ; mackie 1531 hd , yamaha smr 400 , etc etc etc frfr...

Art sla 2, carvin, crown, Matrix....etc etc

vht 2:90:2

engl 120 / 60

Mesa strategy 400

atomic mono block power amp

Rocktron velocity valve

for me, any of the tube power much better ... especially the axe + rocktron is incredible.

I've never used a different power amp with the Axe (so maybe I don't know what I'm missing!) but my ART SLA-2 has been great through one or two 2x12s. When running only one cab, I found the bridged mode sounded bad (harsh) to me - so I only run one side in stereo mode. More than loud enough and sounds great to me.
I really like my new Matrix into guitar cabs! Better than my mesa boogie 295 power amp.

I'm liking what you say, I have a Mesa 295 Power Amp and A Matrix GT800FX but sadly no AXE II yet :) So was going to go with either power amp following A-B Tests, obviously the Matrix would be my preferred choice as the Mesa 295 weighs a ton and needs a O/T transformer :)
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