12ma vs. 8ma - envelope please - and the winner is....

Stringtheorist said:
I'm considering getting one of these and would prefer the 8ma just on price. However I'm not sure whether it will sound 'big' enough in mono. (I intend to use it for backline at smaller gigs, not just monitoring -- c. 50-100 people.) Can anyone tell me how well the 8ma would reproduce my metal stack presets? I take on board the comment re. extra low mids -- Just wondering whether it's going to be worth the extra expense.

The 8ma is really not designed for what you are asking - remember that the 'm' in 8ma is for monitor. Having said that, I messed around with my 8ma at rehearsal (note that our drummer smacks the crap out of the drums) and the 8ma was clear as can be and cut just fine. I'd have no concerns about using the 8ma for most small situations. But it's hard to say if it'd work for you. If you are just trying to deliver good clear tone it may work. The size and shape of the room is going to matter. Where you place the 8ma is going to matter. The biggest concern would be if there was enough low end for you at high volume. You will not get chest thumping bass out of it at all - for that you'd need the 12ma.
hippietim said:
Stringtheorist said:
I'm considering getting one of these and would prefer the 8ma just on price. However I'm not sure whether it will sound 'big' enough in mono. (I intend to use it for backline at smaller gigs, not just monitoring -- c. 50-100 people.) Can anyone tell me how well the 8ma would reproduce my metal stack presets? I take on board the comment re. extra low mids -- Just wondering whether it's going to be worth the extra expense.

The 8ma is really not designed for what you are asking - remember that the 'm' in 8ma is for monitor. Having said that, I messed around with my 8ma at rehearsal (note that our drummer smacks the crap out of the drums) and the 8ma was clear as can be and cut just fine. I'd have no concerns about using the 8ma for most small situations. But it's hard to say if it'd work for you. If you are just trying to deliver good clear tone it may work. The size and shape of the room is going to matter. Where you place the 8ma is going to matter. The biggest concern would be if there was enough low end for you at high volume. You will not get chest thumping bass out of it at all - for that you'd need the 12ma.
OK, sounds like the 12ma is a better bet for me then. Can anyone vouch for it's value as a backline amp?
Stringtheorist said:
OK, sounds like the 12ma is a better bet for me then. Can anyone vouch for it's value as a backline amp?

Yes, the 12ma should work but it really won't sound like a 4x12. I have two 12ma's and in that configuration it works well for a backline.
mitch236 said:
Stringtheorist said:
OK, sounds like the 12ma is a better bet for me then. Can anyone vouch for it's value as a backline amp?

Yes, the 12ma should work but it really won't sound like a 4x12. I have two 12ma's and in that configuration it works well for a backline.
Ok, well I can't afford two 12ma's right now. Maybe two 8ma's? :|
Stringtheorist said:
mitch236 said:
Stringtheorist said:
OK, sounds like the 12ma is a better bet for me then. Can anyone vouch for it's value as a backline amp?

Yes, the 12ma should work but it really won't sound like a 4x12. I have two 12ma's and in that configuration it works well for a backline.
Ok, well I can't afford two 12ma's right now. Maybe two 8ma's? :|

I would choose one 12ma over two 8mas.
Stringtheorist said:
mitch236 said:
Stringtheorist said:
OK, sounds like the 12ma is a better bet for me then. Can anyone vouch for it's value as a backline amp?

Yes, the 12ma should work but it really won't sound like a 4x12. I have two 12ma's and in that configuration it works well for a backline.
Ok, well I can't afford two 12ma's right now. Maybe two 8ma's? :|

Are you forgetting about the QSC Hpr122i? If youre looking for a backline FRFR, that may be just the ticket. Its in your price range, sounds great, and ONE QSC thumps like (and keeps up with, volume-wise) a 4x12 driven by a typical tube head.

Ive not tried the Verve series, but if youre needing the volume & characteristics of a 4x12, you should seriously look into the QSC.
supersecretjim said:
Are you forgetting about the QSC Hpr122i? If youre looking for a backline FRFR, that may be just the ticket. Its in your price range, sounds great, and ONE QSC thumps like (and keeps up with, volume-wise) a 4x12 driven by a typical tube head.

Ive not tried the Verve series, but if youre needing the volume & characteristics of a 4x12, you should seriously look into the QSC.

I own a pair of the QSC HPR122i speakers - I prefer the 12ma. The 12ma delivers the goods no problem.
hippietim said:
supersecretjim said:
Are you forgetting about the QSC Hpr122i? If youre looking for a backline FRFR, that may be just the ticket. Its in your price range, sounds great, and ONE QSC thumps like (and keeps up with, volume-wise) a 4x12 driven by a typical tube head.

Ive not tried the Verve series, but if youre needing the volume & characteristics of a 4x12, you should seriously look into the QSC.

I own a pair of the QSC HPR122i speakers - I prefer the 12ma. The 12ma delivers the goods no problem.
I must say, the lesser bulk of the 12ma is attractive to me.
Mitch is saying two 12ma's work great for a backline for him. Thats great & I can see the other points made. Seems to me that two 12ma's are bulkier & heavier than one Hpr122i. Not to mention just a tad bit more expensive.

I guess its apples & oranges. The 12ma may have a slight edge on overall sound quality (in some posters opinions - I tend to belive them), but the concensus seems to be that one 12ma doesnt have the ability to make you (or the audience) think your using a 4x12 behind you the way one Hpr122i can.
supersecretjim said:
Mitch is saying two 12ma's work great for a backline for him. Thats great & I can see the other points made. Seems to me that two 12ma's are bulkier & heavier than one Hpr122i. Not to mention just a tad bit more expensive.

I guess its apples & oranges. The 12ma may have a slight edge on overall sound quality (in some posters opinions - I tend to belive them), but the concensus seems to be that one 12ma doesnt have the ability to make you (or the audience) think your using a 4x12 behind you the way one Hpr122i can.

I don't think that's the consensus, I think the consensus is that is you really need to make the audience and yourself go deaf and limit yourself tonally, use a 4x12, which is totally innapropriate for small gigs anyway. If you need awesome sound quality, consistency and flexibility, use a 12MA. (A 12MA on it's own is stupendously loud BTW).
The 12 ma is in the middle for a reason

Compromises are always part of the equation

I picked the Verve 15 MA for its ability to reproduce drums and bass more accurately in a live context

Volume is not the only consideration in my choice, 90% was availability 10% flexability
supersecretjim said:
Mitch is saying two 12ma's work great for a backline for him. Thats great & I can see the other points made. Seems to me that two 12ma's are bulkier & heavier than one Hpr122i. Not to mention just a tad bit more expensive.

There is no way I need two 12ma's to keep up with the QSC unless perhaps you are running it wide open which would be *unbelievably* loud. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a the 12ma or QSC if they were loud enough for the difference to matter.

supersecretjim said:
I guess its apples & oranges. The 12ma may have a slight edge on overall sound quality (in some posters opinions - I tend to belive them), but the concensus seems to be that one 12ma doesnt have the ability to make you (or the audience) think your using a 4x12 behind you the way one Hpr122i can.

Who has formed this concensus? I may have missed some posts along the way but the only people I've seen claim the 12ma doesn't hang with a 4x12 are folks that are guessing and have not actually tried one out. I own and have used all of those speakers (4x12, QSC HPR, 12ma) with the Axe-FX and I can confidently say that the 12ma holds it's own no problem with a 4x12 and/or the QSC. I've used all of these combinations in a band setting with a VERY loud drummer. Note that I would still drag around a 4x12 or 2x12 or the QSC if I thought that's what I needed to get the sound I want. There is a reason I chose the 12ma - I think it actually is the best sounding.
Groovey Records said:
The 12 ma is in the middle for a reason

Compromises are always part of the equation

I picked the Verve 15 MA for its ability to reproduce drums and bass more accurately in a live context

Volume is not the only consideration in my choice, 90% was availability 10% flexability

Have you used the 15ma with drums live? If so, which drums? What sort of music? As a monitor or as the sound for the room?

A buddy of mine is trying to choose a live amp/monitor for his Roland TD-20 and is very interested in the Verves.
hippietim said:
Groovey Records said:
The 12 ma is in the middle for a reason

Compromises are always part of the equation

I picked the Verve 15 MA for its ability to reproduce drums and bass more accurately in a live context

Volume is not the only consideration in my choice, 90% was availability 10% flexibility

Have you used the 15 ma with drums live? If so, which drums? What sort of music? As a monitor or as the sound for the room?

A buddy of mine is trying to choose a live amp/monitor for his Roland TD-20 and is very interested in the Verve's.

We are right now for 2 weeks using the Verve 15MA (2) as Main Bass and Guitar Full Frequency Response Monitors with the Ax-Fx in conjunction with the Roland PM30 Drum Monitor with a TD 9sx in a trio context for rehearsal only.

I haven't received yet but have ordered the FBT Amico 500 as vocal reinforcement
all of this is to be conceivable mixed together for onstage right now we are still experimenting in rehearsal with an new line up of musicians. I'm on a step learning curve here so I don't have much to offer except the goal is to do the whole band FFFR with AX-FX and use house PA's FOH at some time/

The Verve 15 ma is being sent signal from the Roland PM30 and sounds better with the drums than the PM30 does, way better. I like the idea of the drummer having Satellite monitors close by with the PM 30 Sub in addition to the Verve 15 ma of the Bass hooked into the mix makes for a killer rhythm section sound

right now we pretty much suck but its a new power trio looking for a vocalist all young non pro kids. I just put it together with my son on drums and I'm filling in on guitar and working things out until my other son gets home from school then its aback seat for me.
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