12-String from a 6-string?


Fractal Fanatic
Was reviewing the octaver/whammy thread and got to thinking...how might one build a preset that imitates a 12-string guitar, if one only uses either a 6-string electric or acoustic? (The choice of amp/cab might be different for each one, what would be a good starting point for a good warm clean tone?)
It’s possible to get a generic “kinda” 12-string sound that hints at one but it’s not possible to accurately imitate a 12-string with a pitch block. The 12 string tuning is in octaves for the first four strings, then unison for the B and high E. Presets exist that use the crossover or filter blocks to try to split the ranges into octaves and unisons but they fall apart with chords that are not in the first few frets, especially open chords.

To do it right requires a hex-pickup so each string is picked up independently.

Search the forum because some presets have been shared.

Also, there’s no reason an amp or cab has to be used.

See "DigiTech Mosaic Polyphonic 12-String Effect Pedal" for more information and presets.
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Thanks, Greg. Is there a way to achieve a double-tracked chorus effect that approximates a 12-string (albeit without the octaves) with a slight delay offset that might fatten up a 6-string?
Thanks, Greg. Is there a way to achieve a double-tracked chorus effect that approximates a 12-string (albeit without the octaves) with a slight delay offset that might fatten up a 6-string?
Probably a simple octave up pitch block early in the chain with Mix at 50%.

You can add a small delay in the Pitch block.
FWIW, I've found that a simple octave up mixed not too high gives a pretty passable impression of a 12 string.

Note that I said impression, not imitation, since of course it doesn't do the unison thing at all, much less in the right places as you move around the neck and across strings. But the vibe is so recognizable, just the simple octave up is enough to evoke it to a not too shabby degree. IMO YMMV etc.
Is there a way to achieve a double-tracked chorus effect that approximates a 12-string (albeit without the octaves) with a slight delay offset that might fatten up a 6-string?
You can do that with a longer chorus time or a very short delay with modulation, as they're basically the same. Experiment.

@iaresee's preset was my favorite of the 12-string presets, so look at it, especially the chorus block. It'll run on the FX3 and FM9 as is. I added an FM3 version.
I has to make one for the Brit Royalty #1 TonePack for the Jimmy Page stuff. I used the advanced whammy +12 blended in at between 20-22% plus some lo cut under 100hZ and high cut at 7kHz. You don’t want it to sound too artificial.
Thanks Greg,
Was looking for a direct approach...@iaresee's seemed somewhat complex, because my rig is an FM9. If necessary, and I'd need to trim things, @unix-guy's solution might be adequate. Have got several things on my plate tonight/tomorrow which require digestion. Will try to install Glenn's files either Tues or Wed.
What will happen if I use this on an actual 12-string? Will a black hole form and we all instantly disappear? Just want to be sure. ;)
I suspect it won’t sound right.

Using the crossovers to split the signal path based on frequency is a kludge that kinda runs afoul of how we play a 12-string, especially when we move up the neck and take advantage of open chords letting the open strings ring out. The best solution for a six-string is a hex pickup where we can process the B and high E strings in unison and the lower four in octaves.

I’m hopeful that a future Fractal will take a hex input because that, with a hex-pitch block, along with other hex-sensitive blocks, would be pretty insane.
One thing I like to do is add an envelope follower that adjust the fine tuning of the upper octave by ±5-10 cents.
I've yet to try installing both presets from your post/link. Do either of these contain extraneous blocks, other than what is needed to imitate a 12-string effect?
I wouldn't consider any of the blocks to be extraneous, no. The general idea with this preset is that it achieves a 12 string effect by doubling the upper notes with a slight detuning, and doubles the lower notes an octave up. That's what most of the blocks do, plus there's some eq, compression, reverb and chorus to enhance the effect. Feel free to tailor it to taste of course.
I wouldn't consider any of the blocks to be extraneous, no. The general idea with this preset is that it achieves a 12 string effect by doubling the upper notes with a slight detuning, and doubles the lower notes an octave up. That's what most of the blocks do, plus there's some eq, compression, reverb and chorus to enhance the effect. Feel free to tailor it to taste of course.
Whatever the preset does, it's darn awesome! You should receive all the credit for this; I'm just the messenger promoting it...many thanks for this!
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