100th Tour de France

Love the Tour/Cycling. Hardest part is finding time to watch all of the live coverage.

Who are you picking for this year? Froome being the fav, anyone else float your boat?

How could anyone in their right mind give a rat's ass about a bunch of drug addled bicyclers who have for DECADES participated in what is probably the crookedest sport of all time? These are not sport's hero's to be looked up to or adored, they are the scourge of modern day athletics, to be kept as far away as possible from our impressionable children. The French can take their silly ass bike race and shove it where the sun don't shine. IT'S TOTALLY MEANINGLESS.
I used to love watching it. I have been jaded though with all the doping scandals. I have played on Paralympic teams and been tested 3 times at work where I was taken out of meetings and required to pee in the bottle on the spot (well in the bathroom :)) My point being that these days if you choose to beat the system it has to be a concerted effort and a definite decision to cheat to win. I have no respect for athletes who "choose" that path.

Again, I have always loved bicycle racing but its jut hard to get excited over a sport where a "majority" of the best athletes have been tainted. It's a sad commentary on our win at all cost society today. :( The Tour is one grueling race though.
I completely understand not liking the Tour because of it's history in doping. It has, however, been clean (although not perfect) for the past few years now. Professional cycling finally seems to be headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, I think the TDF will always be haunted by its past. It also does not help that some of the more notable dopers (Lance Armstrong, Alberto Contador, Floyd Landis) are still in the spotlight or have even returned to professional cycling. The race itself is absolutely incredible though - the challenge, the scenery, team tactics, etc. As long as the Tour, teams, and riders continue to make every effort to permanently erase doping from the sport, I will continue to support it.
My point being that these days if you choose to beat the system it has to be a concerted effort and a definite decision to cheat to win. I have no respect for athletes who "choose" that path.
Excellent point! This could also be said for more than just athletes...
Love the Tour/Cycling. Hardest part is finding time to watch all of the live coverage.

Who are you picking for this year? Froome being the fav, anyone else float your boat?

I think Chris Froome is going to win too. He is a monster climber and has the strongest team by far. Honestly, I think he could have won last year, but team politics kept that from happening. Other than Froome, a lot of "experts" are picking Alberto Contador. He looked pretty weak a few weeks back in the Criterium de Dauphine and lost a lot of time to guys like Froome and TJ Vangarderen. For some strange reason TJ Vangarderen is starting behind Cadel Evans again this year. TJ won the Tour of California earlier this year, so he's coming in in great form - I like his chances too.
I saw the tour only once and it was in the Beauce (flat country like harvest land of USA). The commercial "CARAVANE" was the real show since the cyclists pass by us in say less than 30 seconds. Best to watch it on T.V.

The time where I best like the tour was when I was living in London. It was good to watch on T.V. the mountains, the Alpes that I was missing. Now I live nearer to the Alpes though still no fully in the mountains, so the tour is not as fun.

On Wednesday morning the tour is taking my "route to work" from BIOT to GRASSE", so I should get a chance to see the tour for a second time.

What's good about the TOUR (or was since I am not sure it's still there), it's that it's a popular event (for the people) open to everybody and it's free to watch/participate.

The ****ing directors of the tour should definitely clan up their acts and stop " la dope". They should also stop the team organisation and the remote control operated through "les oreillettes".
Love to watch the last kilometres and see some of the views. Amazing Corsica today!!

How could anyone in their right mind give a rat's ass about a bunch of drug addled bicyclers who have for DECADES participated in what is probably the crookedest sport of all time? These are not sport's hero's to be looked up to or adored, they are the scourge of modern day athletics, to be kept as far away as possible from our impressionable children. The French can take their silly ass bike race and shove it where the sun don't shine. IT'S TOTALLY MEANINGLESS.
Luckily no musician ever used anything... ;)
They don't compete in a 'SPORT', nor do they ingratiate themselves with titles like 'world champion'. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. :roll
- competitions *do* exist
- stresses to make a Grammy Winning record etc. *do* exist
- people are always finding some musician "better" (more 'world champion') than another
IOW, it's all open for discussion ;)
I once travelled across France on a student travel ticket .... I went by train it's much quicker.

As for the drug takers - ban them for life ..... in fact ban all cyclists that ride 3 abreast and don't let you overtake on country roads!
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