Wish „Preset Revert“ option


When thinking about the question raised in this thread, I found that there is no action to revert a preset using a footswitch (at least no generic one).
Would be nice to trigger via an Inc/Dec 0 (so staying at the same preset), or with a dedicated option.
Via footswitch, keeping the same position in the layout without overrides? How?
Using the same switch that originally loaded the preset. For my standard layouts, that means switching to my presets layout, then recalling the preset, which switches back to my main layout of scenes and effects.

It might be possible to do this in one press, by assigning a switch to recall the preset that's offset by zero, similar to next/previous preset. I'm not sure if that's an available action, and I'm out of town this week and not with my rig to check.
But then the position of your current preset is changing on the layout. The idea (which was coming up in the thread I linked in the first post) was that the user wanted to have a preset -1 / recall (preset +0) / preset +1 to have the current preset always at a defined position of the layout, without the need to do extra per-preset override to force the positioning inside the preset.
For myself, I think this is a pretty neat idea which I could use in some layouts of mine.
I thought there was a second press option on preset switches that could do this. I'm not at my rig to test now.
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