Performance mode layout questions

sick pickle

So I am digging performance mode and I have customized it somewhat. What I want to have happen is that when I hold switch 2 on View 1, it would then go to another view which shows me 3 presets on the screen....or show me the one I am on in the middle, and the previous on the left and next on the right?

This seems to be a bit tricky to configure. The only way I can assume this would work is if I set the limits on the bank numbers? But this then opens up the world of programming your setlist somewhere in the preset bank list? Not knocking Fractal here, but I feel like the Helix implementation of this is so much easier. Press one button up and all the foot-switches can show presets to select from. How can I replicate something like this on the FM3, knowing that there is only 3 buttons (keeping performance mode).

What do you mean with „performance mode“? Maybe you should try the „preset“-layout, it sounds like the thing you want :)
Yes sorry. Layout. Preset layout doesn’t work. I am used to scenes/snapshots
Please more clarification, I think I have issues to understand: you want to switch presets (first post), but now it’s scenes?

For the presets stuff, I will dial in a layout later and post it here, maybe this would help you.
Ah, now I understand.

So, easy way to get the names on the +1 and -1 is to set the label text in the layout to "Destination Name".
To get HOME telling you the current name, it's actrually not that easy. I currently only have the FM9 here, were I cannot find the PERFORM layout. I think the "easiest" way would be to use a per-preset overwrite sporting the name of the current preset. This however will need additional work in every preset, and I think that's why it was called HOME (it's a pure layout switch, I think).

The problem is more or less that the FM3 (and other Fractal devices) are using a more block based approach. This means that there is no easy way to set the middle switch to always "select" the current preset.
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