yamaha hs8

  1. guitarair

    Axe-Fx with Studio Monitors or FRFR speaker? Newbie here, need urgent HELP!

    Dear all Axe-Fx fanatics, Before I ask, I beg your pardon for asking questions that have been asked and discussed here numerous times. I am a pure newbie. I just bought an Axe-Fx II XL+. As I never used this complicated digital unit, after buying this I am feeling like I am just a drop of water...
  2. M

    Yamaha HS8 Users

    Hello guys, To all of you HS8 users, I would like to know if you apply any of the monitors back panel settings (high cut, low cut). Cheers.
  3. J

    Blue mofi headphone vs Yamaha hs5

    Hi, I live in an apartment and can't get too loud that is why leaning towards the mofi . What do you guys think? I am going to mainly use it for home studio and recording songs. Thank you.
  4. B

    Dynaudio bm5 mkiii vs eve sc207

    Hello guys! I am going to purchase a pair of monitors for the axe fx2 and thought to go with dynaudios. When I went to check them out, they were out of stock and the owner advised me to listen to eve sc207s. They were pretty good, but I have nothing to compare them to... I have never listened...
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