fast track pro

  1. jdiz86

    [solved] Not getting signal, using SPDIF, Fast Track Pro, Axe-Fx Fx II, and Logic

    I'm having issues getting my axe fx to register a signal in Logic. I have my axe fx connected to a fast track pro (FTP) using spdif cables, then my monitors are connected to the fast track pro with trs to xlr cables. audio preferences in logic are set to use fast track pro sample rate in logic...
  2. jdiz86

    Fast Track Pro with Axe-Fx II XL+: bad idea?

    I've been using the axe fx II xl+ as an audio interface since purchasing it about 6 months. I have an old Fast Track Pro (FTP) that I used for recording previously by micing my amps, but since having the axe fx it's been collecting dust and I haven't really though about using it... until...
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