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    Axe Fx II Sound Quality Loss When Recording Via USB ???

    Hello guys. I was going to share this before but I couldnt make it because of busy schedule. This is a recent record of mine. I think recording it stereo on cubase fixed it. I wonder your opinions. Cheers.
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    Axe Fx II Sound Quality Loss When Recording Via USB ???

    Yes I tried with audacity and had same quality. I will be home at sunday then I will record some stuff and share with you. Thanks for your support.
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    Axe Fx II Sound Quality Loss When Recording Via USB ???

    Thanks for replies guys but I am sure its not about “acoustic”. It sounds like 64 kpbs MP3 file or 240p video sound. I used to have an audio interface and I was recording with axe fx via spdif and it was not like this. The problem must be something else. :/
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    Axe Fx II Sound Quality Loss When Recording Via USB ???

    hello guys. I have same issue. I use cubase for recording. I have axe fx II. I record in stereo track on cubase. But when I record it Ioses its brightness. It drives me nuts. any tip? thanks
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    Recording advice with Axe Fx?

    Hello everyone. I have an issue about recording via usb with axe fx II. While I play I get fantastic sound. But when I record it it sounds not as same as live sound. I record stereo. Is there anything I can do? p.s. I use Cubase
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    your tweaked version sounded beteter. actually yours presets are better then that factory preset. I fixed my problem %90 thank you for that. I think i need use NL12 for a while for having better results
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    Thank you again I will try all of them.:)
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    this is a preset that i use.
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    First off all thank you very much everyone. Its good to see that there are still helpful people without any expectation. LVC your preset worked really nice. plus i updated axe fx to fw12 firmware. Soon i will record a demo and post here and if u share your opinion i will be pleased. plus do you...
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    Im using stereo mode on gt 1000fx. and using a channel. and on axe fx II i tried all combinations. stereo, copy L>R and Sum L+R. also i tried mono mode on gt 1000fx.
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    Thank you very much. global and amp eq is in default. i will try your preset thank you very much for your support. regards.
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    I tried that also still same.
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    Matrix NL12 sound problem

    Hi everyone. Im using axe fxII, matrix gt1000 fx and Matrix NL12. When cab simulation is on i can change eq bass mid treble nicely. But when i turn off cab sims, there is not any bass at all. Even I crank up bass to eleven it sounds still poor and skinny. Does anyone have a suggest ? thanks
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