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    U2 Reverb

    Has anyone found good settings for a single reverb that works across all U2 songs for the Axe Std? Much appreciated.
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    My Attempt at Mysterious Ways A3 for Axe-Fx II

    This is awesome! I don't have cables for the Axe fx. Has anyone got the settings written out, that I could just punch in? Much appreciated.
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    Art T8 Transformer Isolator

    I'm planning to use it for four feeds which are directly or indirectly linked between my iem mixer and the venue desk - my keyboards, shimmer, backing vocals and main vocals. The problem has been that when phantom power finds its way to my Behringer Ultralink Pro 882 it completely shuts the...
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    Art T8 Transformer Isolator

    Is the Art T8 Transformer Isolator good for preventing phantom power getting to my kit? Seems like a 'check the manual' no brainer, but I've read the thing cover to cover and there's no mention of exactly what it isolates - signal, voltage?? I'm sure to a professional it's very obvious, but I...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    Rex, I tried the dual delay. It's a lot harder to get it all set up, but not impossible. What is impossible is the level issue. It's the same as putting the delays anywhere. It's odd. I have a parallel chain just for the dual delay. As I increase the mix level from o to 100%, the dry signal...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    What is this new mix law? I've a standard Axe, with fw v11, may 8th 2011. Would updating the fw solve the volume drop? That would be excellent! Long story short - I used to have main signal, then separate branch to a dot 8th path (lots repeats), and another row with the 8th (single repeat)...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    Rex, much appreciated. Just 2 final Q's. Then I'll set this up tomorrow eve. Is the 2nd delay ingain 100%? And will my 2nd delay 'hear' the original note in order to produce a 'normal' dot 8th repeat? To recap: Take a parallel path from after the wah / drive fx, and run it to the end. quiet...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    Trying to get my head around this. Few more q's I think: I'm using wah / distortion etc earlier in the chain. So, do I drop a line down after these fx to the parallel (delay only) chain? And after the two delays should I return the link to the upper row, or run the 2nd row to the end? With...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    Rex - some detail for you. Example: 8th delay at 100% ingain / 8% mix, into a dot 8th at 100% ingain / 47% mix. So they're all in one chain, no separate dry signal. I'm an Edge fan and want to keep it in series. The first delay, the 8th just repeats once, but it's bounced again and again by the...
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    not sure about the new delay mix law

    I'm very lost with my delay levels on my std axe! Half my presets use only a single delay, the other half use 2 in series. how should i set them up? a dry path then a delay path alongside? or keep them in the main chain? toying with the ingain / mix / level is really p-ing me off. what's the...
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    Ok....Delay and Reverb.....Series or Parallel?

    I'm using 2 delays in series (100% in gain; 20-48% mix), and finding the output volume drops compared to using just a single delay. Half my presets are single, half are dual delays. What is the best way to equal the two volumes? I don't want to use a null filter - I already use one at the start...
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    How best to set up Axe FX for AC30?

    I've found a couple problems: First, if the out 1 is greater than 10.30 on the dial I get a lot of hiss creeping in, regardless of what's connected. So that means that my level on the level meters page is fairly low. No problem, but I just keep it down. Makes me wonder if I'm starting to trim...
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    Saving presets to PC, for a newbie!

    Cheers for the advice. I plugged the Axe into the Edit software, and it said something about 'sync...', so I selected bank A and it seems to have saved a heap of things to my PC. Question - when I do this next time, will it easily overwrite my last 'save'? Also, is it easy to transfer back the...
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    Saving presets to PC, for a newbie!

    I have a standard Axe, and a USB / 2x midi cable (M-Audio box half way along the cable). Can I easily do a safe midi dump to a PC folder of my choice, or do I need to use software like the Axe Edit? I just want to keep the presets safe, not worried about editing on the PC right now.
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