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  1. M

    metronome changing speed when exiting the menu

    Thanks Yek. Not connected to any equipment and the tempo is set to preset. Works fine until I enter the tempo menu and change the tempo using knob A. After exiting the tempo menu the overall tempo definitely bounces around.
  2. M

    metronome changing speed when exiting the menu

    Bump. Having the same issue here too. Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. M

    Just ordered the Fractal EV-2!

    What specific cables are needed to run as an expression pedal or a volume pedal?
  4. M

    AustinBuddy Naked Amps Tone Pack (still) Rules! ... New Website up...FM3...coming soon(ish)

    More props for Buddy. This pack is great and shows what the AX8 and AXeFX can really do.
  5. M

    Commercial U2 preset packs

    I fixed it. A couple of the scenes had come over with the cab block bypassed. All the others worked perfectly so didn't even think to check the simplest solution. Thanks all!
  6. M

    Commercial U2 preset packs

    Thanks @edo. I checked the level for scenes on some of the quieter patches and it was already at 0. Raising it higher didn't seem to make that much difference in the volume surprisingly. Any other ways that you prefer to raise the volume? By the way, I'm sure this is an AX8 conversion issue...
  7. M

    Commercial U2 preset packs

    I just purchased the ZooTV pack and can confirm that the presets are fantastic. I've tried many, many U2 presets and these are the best sounding by far! Quick question for @edo... I converted the presets for my AX8 and some of the presets are much lower volume than some of the others (Zoo...
  8. M

    Use MIDI Foot Controller to Build Presets

    Assume several of you have done this? Looking for tips. I have a FCB 1010 and my plan would be to use the looper to audition sounds and then tweak parameters while the looper is playing using the foot controller. Not sure if this gets into assigning modifiers or sending CC commands for amp...
  9. M

    Presets for all 12.03 amps w/ cabs

    Great addition--many thanks. So what's the easiest way to load all of these presets? I'm still confused about when I should be using Axe Edit, FractalBot, etc. Thanks.
  10. M

    I'm the proud Dad of a young EVH fan...

    Awesome! Congrats.
  11. M

    Tips for Bringing Vox Amps to Life?

    Hey guys. Looking for any tips on the Vox amps. I find the stock presets as well as my own presets typically lacking that "amp in the room" feel as compared to the Marshalls and other amps in the Axe (which sound huge with v11 now by the way). Just looking for any tips to create a more...
  12. M

    Why does the FX Loop make my Axe sound like shite?

    Found it guys. Output 2 was set to stereo so it was only feeding half a signal. Chris, your video on gain staging is awesome and the utility page helped me find what I was doing wrong. Thanks!
  13. M

    Why does the FX Loop make my Axe sound like shite?

    You guys find that the volume drops dramatically when any other effects blocks are added to a chain?
  14. M

    Why does the FX Loop make my Axe sound like shite?

    Thanks guys. Output 2 is set at about noon (same as output 1). Could certainly be a gain staging issue. Will look into.
  15. M

    Why does the FX Loop make my Axe sound like shite?

    Have a Jamman looper in it hooked up in mono. Know there is some tone suck as the pedal is not true bypass but the tone gets ok again when I bypass the FX Block even though the signal is still passing through the looper. Thanks.
  16. M

    Why does the FX Loop make my Axe sound like shite?

    Hey guys. Potentially a dumb question here but... whenever I add an FX Loop block into my effects chain the sound quality deteriorates noticeably. When I bypass the FX Loop block the full sound returns. Sure I'm doing something wrong but struggling to find it. Even tried boosting FX Loop...
  17. M

    FX Loop, mono looper signal

    I've actually had similar questions and concerns. The closest fix I have found is to put the FX Loop in the same row as the other effects (and at the end) and then to boost the Loop output by 5 dbs to match the volume output of the original patch. Open to any other thoughts.
  18. M

    External Looper Question

    Bump. Lots of activity today on the forum.
  19. M

    External Looper Question

    First off, let me add yet another plug for v10. Hadn't upgraded in about a year and the difference is extremely noticeable. Great job guys. I am connecting a Jamman stereo looper pedal through the FX loop of the Axe. I currently have the FX loop on a separate line in the layout grid and have...
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    My hottest guitars don't hit the red

    Similar issue here never getting to the red (only orange). The I/O is set correctly. Should I be raising the pickups on my strat?
  21. M

    U2 "Kite": My 16-year-old does all the parts:

    Great stuff. Tell your son congratulations!
  22. M

    Brand New CD with all guitars done with an Axe FX II

    Sounds fantastic! Nice job.
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