My hottest guitars don't hit the red

Similar issue here never getting to the red (only orange). The I/O is set correctly. Should I be raising the pickups on my strat?

Na, I wouldn't bother if I were you. As has been said several times before on these forums, the input level doesn't affect sound (except at it's extreme settings, close to 0% or 100%), it's just for optimal S/N ratio. My Strat doesn't hit red either, but everything still sounds just like it should, so I leave mine at 55% where my other guitars peak to red.
Na, I wouldn't bother if I were you. As has been said several times before on these forums, the input level doesn't affect sound (except at it's extreme settings, close to 0% or 100%), it's just for optimal S/N ratio. My Strat doesn't hit red either, but everything still sounds just like it should, so I leave mine at 55% where my other guitars peak to red.

I have had the same experience. My main guitar has a pair of BKP Aftermaths and I actually have to back down the A/D input trim to about 36% to have optimal S/N ratio. Although I do tend to pick hard and play an extended range guitar which I am sure is having some effect on how I set the A/D input levels. I have actually sat there and played with the A/D input trim and gone from very low to very high with minimal change in the tone. Once you get somewhere in the correct range, turning this trim up or down has almost zero audible effect on your tone.
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