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    I use the ART and I honestly have zero problem with it's weight. It's not even a factor for me because it's in a rack with my Axe and I could helicopter the whole rack over my head if I wanted to. Still saving up for the Fryette though, as is my other guitarist and I can't wait. For less than...
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    White Lion Riff AxeFx Direct

    I know you've probably posted before but what pickups do you use? Great tone, great playing..your Youtube videos were one of the selling points of the Axe for me. Thank you.
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    New Red Seas Fire idea (7-string quintuplet groove content)

    Re: New Red Seas Fire idea (7-string quintuplet groove conte What amp model do you use to record? You have such a deep but clear sound
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    First post - lots of axe fx recordings - ambient/prog/djent/

    Re: First post - lots of axe fx recordings - ambient/prog/dj Thoroughly impressed dude. Favorited the shit out of this.
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    ART SLA-1, SLA-2, or Carvin DCM200L?

    I use the SLA-2 and I recommend it fully. It'll be my power amp until I can afford the Fryette. One question though that I've been pondering, why does weight matter so much to you guys? This is coming from a guy who's been hauling around an orange 4x12 and a vader for years, so I get my fair...
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    Dweezil Zappa - Fractal Cello

    I listened to this on my parent's computer and they all gathered around to hear what I was listening to. You've impressed two generations of my family now it looks like, Dweezil. Keep that shit up. :)
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    Your Rating of the Art SS power amp SLA-2

    Yeah, the button on the back. I have the banana connector hooked into the top two connectors on the top. According to the diagrams and stuff, the top and bottom left are channel 1, and top and bottom right are channel 2. Is this wrong? It's still loud as hell but I wanna be able to get the...
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    Your Rating of the Art SS power amp SLA-2

    Okay, also I'm sorry if it's a noob ass question but, will the L/R of the input of my guitar change? Don't know if that'd make a difference either. Hell, maybe it's pushing bridged mono already and I'm just too dumb to realize it. haha
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    Your Rating of the Art SS power amp SLA-2

    For those that have the SLA-2, I have a bit of a problem. If it's bridged mono, should the controls of both channel 1 and 2 be active? I have it banana plugged into a 4x12 and those are plugged into the top two connectors, as the label on the back of the amp says I should. I push the button...
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    GAS Killers

    Gone through this many times. I have no reason to get an AxeFx, but I did and I'm chronically refreshing the UPS tracking information to see how close it is. My Powerball does everything I need and sounds fine, but I think of it like this. Think of your original tube amp as a fine meal at...
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    Your Rating of the Art SS power amp SLA-2

    So those of you that have the SLA-2, do you think it'd have the power to cut through a death metal bands live mix? Gotten some feedback but the more the better. I play through Lundgren pickups, and vader 4x12's, and I have serious concerns as to if this is going to have the ballpark output...
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    AxeFX Uber Model

    Alb, that is spot on. I can't wait until next week when I can play with that patch. From my short time on this board, I've been consistently impressed with all of your samples. Keep it comin'
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    ART SLA-2 inquiry

    I play out of two Vader 4x12's which I think is probably the loudest cabinet on the market but I just wanted to make sure that it got pushed hard enough. Thanks for the help man, my impulse buy feels a bit more stable now.
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    ART SLA-2 inquiry

    Hey, so I put my order in for my Ultra about 6 hours ago and I'm on the search for a power amp. Looking at the SLA-2 but I don't know if it'll be enough for me due to the fact that I play in a death metal band that has a pretty high stage volume. What kind of volume can this beast really crank...
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