Dweezil Zappa - Fractal Cello

Most AXE-cellent, amigo! Great feel, great tone, beautiful axe and you look blissed out. What's not to like?

great playing and phrasing in the video.

This is going to come up a lot. But do you(or one of you other guys) want to share this patch with us?
javajunkie said:
miketheman said:
dweezil zappa said:
Hello Fractal Friends,
If anyone is interested, I posted a video clip of my version of a Fractal cello sound on dweezilzappaworld.com. I'm using a new custom signature PRS in the clip as well. You might enjoy having a look... or not... Who knows?


Cool! Very interesting.

Question though, I can somewhat understand the slow attack process (envelope controller on volume?). But I´m very impressed of the cello-like tone, how "much" of the woody tone are from the fractal(s) or is it all in your new guitar? I guess one can be quite convincing using that patch with a E-bow...


None of it comes from the guitar (other than when he puts the second axe-fx in). The tone is generated by the synth, the guitar supplies the pitch and the signal to the envelope. My guess is the woody sound comes from a cab impulse I converted from a Stanford University project on modeling acoustic guitars. The had an impulse of an acoustic guitar body. I converted to an axe-fx cab impulse. Somebody, I forget who, decided to try using it for a violin sound and it worked great for getting that woody sound.

I have a patch very similar. Too bad I don't come up with great lines like that :lol:

I also really appreciate how cleanly dweezil is playing to keep glitches from coming out.
Indeed! I told a friend of mine that the Violin patch is a good tool for developing cleanliness in your playing, because its sounds terrible if you don't. :lol:
Crucified said:
great playing and phrasing in the video.

This is going to come up a lot. But do you(or one of you other guys) want to share this patch with us?


I've listened to that movie no fewer than 20 times. Great tone, great phrasing, great chops. I also hope that the patch will get posted at some point but I'm sure it was a lot of work so I understand if not. Now I have to go back and find that violin patch and see what I can do with it.

Thanks so much for posting. Be well!

Yeah i like it alot cant wait till i can find some time to violin and cello patches if you ever post the latter for us axe fx users.

Dweezil - that's SO AWESOME!

Now for the more difficult part:


You know I love ya baby...would you mind sharing the patch?!

Wow Dweezil that sounds incredible. Hope to catch your show when you come down to Ventura, CA. All the best! You've got the machine mastered!!!! Please share the patch when you can. There's a ton to learn from that patch I'm sure. Have you ever tried the Pat Metheny type trumpet sound. I would die to get that type of sound dialed in.
I listened to this on my parent's computer and they all gathered around to hear what I was listening to. You've impressed two generations of my family now it looks like, Dweezil. Keep that shit up. :)
it sounds more like a cello because of the lower range a guitar has

a real bb preamp in front of the axe input helps with the sensitivity and fullness of the signal, and being able to play more expressively/sensitively and worry less about tracking accuracy

the type of guitar matters as well. my fender strat sounds ok, but my tyler strat sounds more realistic because the guitar is warmer and fuller. a semi-hollowbody would probably sound killer.

ps dweezil i like the added sound layer that you faded in with the expression pedal during that clip...what was that...just a slapback echo?
mentoneman said:
ps dweezil i like the added sound layer that you faded in with the expression pedal during that clip...what was that...just a slapback echo?

He said that he was mixing in another guitar sound from a second Axe-FX.
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