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  1. B

    Floor Monitor Setup

    talk to "gitfruit" see how his wedge works>
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    Power Amp that has Digital Inputs?

    absolutely no reason to do this!!!!!!!!! Period.
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    Jensen Neo

    the tornado jet is a great speaker! ive sold and used quite a few. its 100 watt and no flub. its very tight. the tornado,c12k,evm,and deltapro are the 4 speakers i use the most of in my builds. it has early edge compared to ev and delta. but holds together alot longer than any celestion. and no...
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    FRFR that pushes air like a 4x12?

    tune down a whole step! youll push more air! in all seriousness, i think you need a better understanding of what you call "pushing air" a soundwave has a given wavelength at a given frequency. i can stick a 300 watt evm in a thiele and make you cry! literally! the ev is capable of handling...
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    FRFR that pushes air like a 4x12?

    dude you beat me to it! what he said!!!! mine was in laymans terms!! lol
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    FRFR that pushes air like a 4x12?

    FYI as has been said, guitar speakers and fr speakers are so totally different, its like apples and driveshafts. One key element you should look into is xmax on a speaker. this will give you an idea of the air thats being pushed. i can build an 8" box that will push more air than 2 12's . if...
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    New Beyma Cab Boogafunk !! reeeeal nice

    Hey Matman!The new design that Joey got is quite a bit different! we ditched the beyma crossovers in lieu of a custom one with all 2% tolerance jantzen caps, 14 ga. inductors rated at 800 watts, and the addition of an onboard L pad. the 1.5 db cut beyma offered is just not enough. The components...
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