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  1. Lydian

    Why no RELAYS in new fractal products ?

    the Voodoo Labs switcher should not make any difference to noise as it’s not in the audio signal chain. 👍
  2. Lydian

    Why no RELAYS in new fractal products ?

    I have one for sale, UK. 😀 The Voodoo Labs control switcher will do the job via MIDI if you have no relays. 👍
  3. Lydian

    Was headed towards Strymon but the $$ are adding up

    Ah, right, bugger, we could have done a deal on my FX8! :-)
  4. Lydian

    Was headed towards Strymon but the $$ are adding up

    this is why I’m going down the MIDI switching route. I get all the “one button” control but with the ease of use of dedicated pedals. where are you based?
  5. Lydian

    Was headed towards Strymon but the $$ are adding up

    yep, that’s one if the reasons I liked it. worked fine with my Victory V100.
  6. Lydian

    Was headed towards Strymon but the $$ are adding up

    Good luck with it, I hope it works for you. The FX8 is fantastically powerful, I'm just a simple chap who prefers to tweak a dial - less choice is better for me!!!
  7. Lydian

    Was headed towards Strymon but the $$ are adding up

    Interesting thread, which I'm late to, but none the less I'll contribute! I had a board with the big three Strymons, a loop switcher and a bunch of preamp pedals. I wanted a more integrated solution as it felt cumbersome hauling all that gear around. So I bit the bullet and sold the lot and...
  8. Lydian

    Does anyone use analog Drive Pedal w/ their FX8?

    I am about to purchase a Morningstar ML5 (well worth a look) so I can control my pedals via MIDI (Well, sort of!) I tried the drives etc from the FX8, but couldn't get on with them, so have (re)purchased a bunch of stuff, a Timmy, EP Booster, Wampler Ego comp.....My sound with drives straight in...
  9. Lydian

    MIDI Question: FX8 and Morningstar ML5

    Cheers for that! Sound promising - I have the manual open on another tab, and will when I can bring myself to it dive into the MIDI chapter! useful to know there a promising starting point. Andy
  10. Lydian

    MIDI Question: FX8 and Morningstar ML5

    Hi All, How's it hanging? :-) You'll be pleased to know I hung onto the FX8 this time round. Some slight changes however, after a lot of faffing at gigs and rehearsals, I've decided to ditch 4cm and use it in the FX loop for time based stuff modulations etc. I just don't get on with the drives...
  11. Lydian

    Drive Stacking Suggestions

    I'll give that a shot! Cheers! :-)
  12. Lydian

    Xotic SL Drive/Fractal FX8 Commentary

    You sound exactly where I see myself being after my first gig this coming Saturday (10th August) I mainly use my Victory V100 for drive/boost, but occasionally like a different flavor/sound, so would like to really get to grips with the drives at gig volumes - I really really want to use the...
  13. Lydian

    Drive Stacking Suggestions

    Thanks for the input chaps - I'll give those a try! :-)
  14. Lydian

    New FX8 Mark 2 owner and forum member

    Hey man! I was thinking about going down this route, I'm still not sold on the drives and have a nice couple of analogue pedals. Which MIDI loop switcher do you use? I like the idea of going straight into the front of my amp and having the FX8 in the FX loop, but really don't want to tap dance...
  15. Lydian

    Drive Stacking Suggestions

    Hi All, So, just got another FX8...(Long story) and really want to make it work this time. So, in this pursuit, what drive stacking suggestions have you all got? Anybody do this? I predominantly use the drive form my Victory V100, but every now and then fancy some different flavours. Cheers
  16. Lydian

    FX8 New Effects.

    Where do the FX8 updates get posted chaps?
  17. Lydian

    Channel switching question

    I assume your footswitch cable has a TRS jack on the end. Seems odd that it doesn't work with another TRS cable. Have you tested the TRS cable you're using to make sure it works? (I had one of mine fail this week!). Other than that, have you checked all the settings on the relays, I.e. latching...
  18. Lydian

    Channel switching question

    What type of cable are you using? Do you have a TRS cable?
  19. Lydian

    Muted Output With Certain FX

    Oddness - solved it.....turned it off and n again..seemed Drive, Delay, Phase, Reverb just wouldn't work!
  20. Lydian

    Muted Output With Certain FX

    Hi Guys So go the FX8 home today - hooked it up, got channel switching working, scenes etc very quickly. Then I went to listen to some of the presets....Did that for two mins - went back to my very basic 'Test' preset - No sound! Faffed around for ages, eventually it turns out that when I put...
  21. Lydian

    Expression Pedal Question

    Good Day All! Quick question: In the user manual regarding expression pedals it says: I have two Boss FV500H pedals which are leftover from my brief Axe FX II days. which did indeed work well with the AFX - which I bought on the advice of AFX users themselves. But looking at the spec these...
  22. Lydian

    FX8 - Basic Operating Principles?

    Thanks for the replies chaps!
  23. Lydian

    FX8 - Basic Operating Principles?

    Hi All, So prior to the arrival on Thursday I wanted to get my head around the various methods of using the FX8 live, particularly in relation to using scenes and presets. So here are a few questions if I may? Can you set the state of the two relays independently per scene? I.e. So Scene 1...
  24. Lydian

    FX8 On Order: The Journey Continues!

    Ha, indeed! If it's good enough for Guthrie 'n all that.... Should arrive Thursday, can't flippin wait!
  25. Lydian

    FX8 On Order: The Journey Continues!

    Hi Guys, How's it going? Well, I've been on quite a journey over the last couple of years gear wise! I've had an Axe FXII, a TC G System, various pedals (which is my current set up) and never been truly happy, for various reasons! So to cut a long story short, i have just ordered an FX8...
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