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  1. S

    Cant get audio working after update

    Updated my Firmware to v19.0 After this updated (it was done 100 % correctly) I cant get my USB audio thing to work so that I can get the computer sound files audibule in my speakers or headphones. If i look at audio units in windows, AXE FX II is there and marked green as standard. When I play...
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    Tweaking a clipping sound

    Hello guys Just got a very good patch that a friend made. Problem is it clips So If I turn the level down, well its barely hearable. Well of course I can turn the output up but still It gets so quiet in relation to other things, soundfiles on my computer they have to have minimum...
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    All solved Thanks everyone It was mostly updating everything. Just saw I had axe edit 1.0... got the 3.03 now Geez dont know why I have been doing this, never updating
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    Cant "copy paste" syx files

    Fractalbot wont even find these syx files. Something is wrong here, i put it at desktop for example, fractalbot dont recognize them
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    Cant "copy paste" syx files

    I downloaded bank 11 from the fractal website. Well I get 4 syx files, 3 with bank ABC, 1 for all. Well I saw on youtube that you can copy paste them into the axe fx II folder or "drag" them in. neither of this works and YES im connected to my computer via usb I just did the backup. Do...
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    Never seen or heard of anything like that in my life so how am i expected to know what it is. If u want to act like that stop doing it on the internet and u might actually learn something. Apparently everything is turned on in every scene 2-8 that I have no idea why it is like that wouldnt it...
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    So I go get the "Axe FX II presets banks ABC" then? And we still havent sold this "scene" thing on the right on the preset that u turn with knob A that fucks ur sound
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    Yeah Can I go back to firmware 6 somehow
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    Yeah could i do like a reset or something. This is fucked i tell you guys, aint good
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    Firmware 12. everything clipping

    Almost every single preset is clipping, user made, factory made all with distortions are clipping like insane! Even though the input aint toutching the red it still clips what is this? Note: I went form firmware 6 to 12.. And what is "scene" ??? I turn it with A, everything from...
  11. S

    Getting better sound with the recordings

    Thanks for the advices guys. Well in general. Should I go for "if it sounds good it is good" or might i be doing some general like axe fx usage or recording mistake. Should the recorded soundfile be smaller or bigger. When i add a compressor it becomes so small.
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    Getting better sound with the recordings

    Hello Well first thing I have no idea what im doing if im dealing with EQs and stuff. I mostly use the amps and drive, cab etc and some other stuff for more ambient things. But my recordings dont sound good to me. Well I know that I need to play it cleaner. I know that It needs and will be...
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    Bad Recordings, sorting out

    Hello guys. My recordings are WEAK. Its probably 99 % my bad skills at mixing and such. But I also wanted to sort out if I am doing something wrong with my Axe FX. I think ive done the starting check/setup. Volume level on my presets are kind of balanced to other audio files, like...
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    Axe FX sound problem

    My output know is barely on, using headphones mostly
  15. S

    Axe FX sound problem

    I guessed that Howe, how do I "cut the low" end?
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    Axe FX sound problem

    For example, the Uber amp preset, 20 or something it is. Sounds very very good, perfect for my new song. Well now the problem is, its Low, very LOW volume, and not only that, the amp seem so distant in a way. It has been like this with all the presets for me, but I have modified them for a...
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    Axe Edit, presets

    I have just started using Axe Edit since I wanted some presets, .syx files. But I have absolutley no idea how to use them. I download from the web for example, other guitarists presets. I cant even edit stuff in my axe edit. The manual helped a bit, but mostly with midi setup and stuff, how...
  18. S

    Tone/preset switch to Axe FX II

    could something like this work: Hmm the tech 21 midi mouse, but it was kind of expensive for such a small switch. FS-6 seemed like a good one tough, A switches down and B up for example? thats all I need, switch...
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    Tone/preset switch to Axe FX II

    Yes thanks man but I was more wondering where do I find a cheap switch :D Cant find a good one only big expensive floorboards
  20. S

    Tone/preset switch to Axe FX II

    Helloooo Getting the MFC-100 is a bit too much for me with my budget, so I am intrested in something that can just change my tone or preset. Well is there anything simple that you could use, just a footswtich or something connected to the axe which changes preset.
  21. S

    Axe Edit / presets

    Hi guys. Well how do you store your tones? Axe Edit doesnt work for me, cant find the processor :( But I can use the analog screen, its fine, but where is my user presets? I only have one 383. So I use the factory ones.. but I want to build sounds from the ground, not edit company made...
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    FX II low sound?

    Hey guys. I have done the Axe FX II setup tutorial on the wiki. So the things are set right, so u get no clipping and stuff like that. yet the sound is very low in constract to the computer. Well I play a backing track, and have to put the volume knob to 10 % i am to hear my own guitar...
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    Dry track recording

    Hi guys, I have an quite obvious question, but I want to ask anyway. Well I am going to record and intrumental sound, I need a high gain sound, but sometimes with a fixed wah in some sorts of the songs. And I dont have the MFC 101 controller. So is it possible to do a dry track recording...
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    Marco Sfogli tone

    Tried the Never forgive me intro, which is 3 harmonic, and it still got so close! I got the same tone as Marco for this song, now i got to learn the song :P
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    What a tone I got now with some tweaking :P
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Well, in all presets the Drive was bypassed so that might be the problem I was facing. Im not a Metal rythm guy as some thought, I play everything, but at the moment I was looking for a real nice lead solo tone. Thanks for all the help :)
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    I got a new one, latest firmware. Well I connect it via USB and Axe Edit is supposed to auto detect it. Im not an inexperienced player, but I am inexperienced when it comes to audio gear. Well I will do some settings and recordings and see what I come up with
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Guys, I use Output 1, left and right, and two monitors (l+r). What settings should I do in the I/O menu? All inputs are at 49.8 %
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Behringer monitors, ms40 (NOT THE BEST I KNOW) Some bad headphones. USB drivers work good, I use the FX as my soundcard right now... idk why Axe Edit doenst detect the USB connection
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Hi guys, in the presets, most things are bypassed, so I went to layout, and unpassed some things, drive for example. I guess I overreacted! The tone is nice with much feel. I would still like a little bit more gain and sustain though. Gotta get Axe Edit to work ;)
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Im monitoring through headphones and 40 W studio monitors. Input settings are at 49. 8 &, instr in, input 1 etc. How do you check latset firmware? Also I dont get a connection to the Axe Edit...
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    Doesnt sound like I thought

    i will check some of the questions and comeback, thank you for the help
  33. S

    Doesnt sound like I thought

    Hi guys. Im sitting here with a device, the axe FX II, and im not so impressed I thought i would be. I used to have a POD X3. You could get decent tones, they were not that good for recording though. But I got some really good high gain sustain solo tones who were great, such feel in the...
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    Marco Sfogli tone

    guys, when tone matching, I dont need to play exactly the same thing as the matched tone does? but yeah something similar
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    Marco Sfogli tone

    Hi guys. I wanted to copy the tone of my favorie player marco sfogli, but didnt find a video without drums, rythm guitar etc. But finally I found this: Betcha Can't Play This with Marco Sfogli - YouTube So Im going for an attempt to match this one. Im uncertain of which amps he is using...
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    Bypass fail

    Ah thanks javajunkie, I pressed the "Bypass" button and not FX Byp. Youll have to excuse my noob questions :)
  37. S

    Bypass fail

    Hi guys. I was about to try the tone match, and realized I cant bypass certain effects. I can only bypass "everything". I can select something in layout mode but I cant bypass it, when i have the cursor over and press bypass nothing happens. When in recall mode, I bypass everything so I get a...
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    Some noob questions

    I dont know the guitar sound is so low compared to the computer audio files, when connected via USB. Also I dont get too good sound on the presets. Dont get that really good high gain sound. I have not yet mayed my own sounds though
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    Some noob questions

    and guys, a weird problem, I cant get back to where i scroll presets. Say I go to the global mode. What button shall I choose to go back to the preset menu?
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    Some noob questions

    But when plugging it on, and for example play with a utube track. I have to the utube on minimum volume to make the guitar heard, should I raise the input volume?
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    Some noob questions

    Hehe I suppose so :) The manual is like a bible or somth. Im an experienced player (I think atleast) but a total noob when it comes to effects amp! Wanted to take it to the next level, and the FX is all i need for everything. But hell its complicated :P
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    Some noob questions

    Hi, I just got this amazing device. I got a few questions. How do I safely unconnect it? I start buy removing the USB from the USB port, turning of monitors, then turning of Axe FX, then removing instrument. Idk if its the right way. When I use it as my sound card, I have to turn the...
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    Tone Matching: A Step-by-Step Video Tutorial

    If you have a track, and instrumental guitar track, with some drums kind of on low volume, and guitarbacking, might it still grab the solo tone?
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    Buy FX ultra

    What? :O Periphery used it for their albums. Here is a guy using it: She Goes By - Muris Varajic - YouTube Ive heard its great for recording..
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    Buy FX ultra

    Well, speaking of my previous gear (POD X3, som crappy amps) I guess my mind will be pretty blown by the ultra ^^ So yes I also think its the best idea. Then, the FX III might come out, and price drops on the II or something. But I will be satisfied for many years I can guess. Just one...
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    Buy FX ultra

    Okey guys, thanks for the answers. I have such a dilemma, I dont know if I should go with the Ultra, the FX II or the eleven rack. The FX:S seems both great to play with, but recording? A good question would be: How is Axe FX Ultra fairing in recording compared to elevenrack and FX II? Cause...
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    Buy FX ultra

    Yes man I can live without those things, if you got a good soundcard, internal, it shouldnt be much difference from a direct USB? My pod x3 got both headphone plugin and direct USB, idk why the ultra doenst have that regarding its newer and more expensive than the POD. But I heard there was a...
  48. S

    Buy FX ultra

    Hi guys I can get my hands on a new Axe FX Ultra kind of cheaply, almost half the price that it would cost to get a Axe FX II. Ive seen som comments here, everyone is like "buy the FX II, buy the II BUY IT". But the Ultra seems very good to, and for that price it seems like a super...
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