Some noob questions


Hi, I just got this amazing device.
I got a few questions.

How do I safely unconnect it?
I start buy removing the USB from the USB port, turning of monitors, then turning of Axe FX, then removing instrument. Idk if its the right way.
When I use it as my sound card, I have to turn the volume down a lot in windows media player, seems like I have to adjust the input levels or something to make the guitar sound louder
When editing a preset, how do I get to the preset menu again, where I can switch preset?
How do I adjust input levels?
Hehe I suppose so :) The manual is like a bible or somth.
Im an experienced player (I think atleast) but a total noob when it comes to effects amp! Wanted to take it to the next level, and the FX is all i need for everything.
But hell its complicated :p
Hehe I suppose so :) The manual is like a bible or somth.
Im an experienced player (I think atleast) but a total noob when it comes to effects amp! Wanted to take it to the next level, and the FX is all i need for everything.
But hell its complicated :p

Is the Axe better than Lois Lane? How about Lex Luthor - is he working up too much lather ;)
But when plugging it on, and for example play with a utube track. I have to the utube on minimum volume to make the guitar heard, should I raise the input volume?
and guys, a weird problem, I cant get back to where i scroll presets. Say I go to the global mode. What button shall I choose to go back to the preset menu?
Press the Recall button to get back to screen where you recall your presets.

As for disconnecting, with any gear, when powering down, turn off the speakers first. Then I would turn of the axe and apt he rest doesn't matter.

When powering up, turn the speakers on last.
I dont know the guitar sound is so low compared to the computer audio files, when connected via USB.
Also I dont get too good sound on the presets. Dont get that really good high gain sound. I have not yet mayed my own sounds though
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