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  1. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    Turns out my FM3 had a chip that stored memory slots that needed replacing. The Fractal Support guys are the best and they did it with lightning speed! I'm a Fractal user for life! Thanks everyone for the help!
  2. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    Got an RMA.. thanks for everyone's help on this!
  3. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    Further testing... I can create a rig using Quick build, (within 384 and 415) Save it to 390 for example, go to another preset, come back to 390 and the built preset is still there. If I go to copy the preset 390 by using "Preset menu > Save a Copy . to 391, I am able to sucessfully save the...
  4. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    Hey guys, is email the best (and only way) to contact support? Thanks
  5. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    Thanks Joe, I have reached out to support, but no response as of yet.
  6. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    Hi MrSlate here, yeah the problem came back. Front panel as well as FM3 edit. between 384 and 415 slots. Load slot that works > go to Preset > Save a Copy > Choose and slot between 384 and 415. Appears to save. Leave saved slot (between 384 and 415) and the saved preset is now blank.
  7. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    Oh man, it's not working again.. won't copy presets between 384 and 416 location in FM3 and FM3 EDIT.
  8. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    unix-guy, Thank you! On the FM3 itself, I went into setup > Midi..Remote > PC Mapping (It was turned off) and turned PC Mapping to ON, and now I can save to any location and it sticks.. I'm not using any midi foot controllers as of yet, so maybe just a weird thing going on.. I dont know, but I...
  9. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    FM3 Edit 1.06.10 Firmware 8.00 The thing is, I can create a new preset between locations 384 and 458, hit SAVE, then move to another preset, and go back to the new preset I saved and there is nothing there, no blocks, no preset name, nothing. And this happens using the hardware to save, and...
  10. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    It happens on both the unit itself (front panel), and with the editor. Save to slot 384 using the Store, then enter button, then shows sucessful save, switch presets > come back to slot 384 and nothing there.
  11. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    Found a bug, yes, it is a bug... I can't seem to save edited presets between 384 and 415. If I do try to save any preset in any of these locations, I go to a different preset, then come back to the newly saved preset, and low and behold, nothing is there. FM3 II Turbo running Firmware 8...
  12. M

    Not a Bug Issue with Footswitch Toggle Function

    Hmmm.. It seems I am using this machine incorrectly in my thinking it seems when it comes to this contraption... back to the manual.
  13. M

    Not a Bug Issue with Footswitch Toggle Function

    I appreciate the help! Thank you very much.. I was trying to make a simple Rythm, Lead, Clean workflow for when I play live but Destination is a work around. I'm not ruling out me being :veryconfused:about this thing.
  14. M

    Not a Bug Issue with Footswitch Toggle Function

    Thank you for your answer. So how would one do what we are trying to accomplish as already mentioned? Future feature? And if not a bug. then why doesn't the behavior be consistant depending on which switch you hit? They all do not show the same thing. Just curious
  15. M

    Not a Bug Issue with Footswitch Toggle Function

    3 switches = (1) (2) (3) I have a preset with 8 scenes I want to toggle using the three switches. (1) = Rythm1 scene 1 Rythm, [Toggle] Rythm2 Scene 2 Rythm w/FX (2) = LEAD 1 scene 6 [Toggle] LEAD FX scene 7 (3) = CLEAN 1 scene 4 [Toggle] CLEAN FX scene 8 So the coorusponding switches show in...
  16. M

    Not a Bug Issue with Footswitch Toggle Function

    Okay.. I have the same exact question... so in your response, how would one set up a switch (Lets say switch 1) to be Rythm 1 (Name of scene 1) and toggle set to scene 2 at the tap of the switch. THAT mini display should show under current Name to be either One or Two and so on.. are you saying...
  17. M

    Reorder scenes & presets on device

    I would also LOVE a UNDO and REDO option in the FM Edit...
  18. M

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    Nice.. What flavor pedalboard is this?
  19. M

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    New FM3 user as well as a new Fractal user.. Thanks for this great machine and updates. Started off with 8 beta from the get go, I figured this was a great place to start..
  20. M

    Bug? Axe-Edit not saving preset changes in 'Manage'

    I have this same issue the the FM3 Turbo using Beta 8 Firmware. If I try to import a purchased patch from a reputable company in a slot that is <EMPTY> (between 390 and 400 the patch will erase if I hit SAVE > move to another patch, then return even after hitting REFRESH, the entire preset...
  21. M

    Bug? Fm3 does not save presets name and latency with SC and CS per scene

    This is happening to me as well. I purchase a quality preset from Choptones, try to import it into my FM3 Turbo, save it using the FM3 Editor, SAVE, change presets and then.. EMPTY.. nothing saved. I have the latest firmware updated and I don't know what is going on, it's getting really...
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