Search results for query: Channel linking

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  1. F

    Linking Block Channels

    Is there a way to link block channels so if I change amp block A to B it will also change the cab block from A to B? I know I can do it through scenes, but I’m trying to figure out a way to make a grab and go preset and block linking would be incredibly useful.
  2. camilovelandiamusic

    Wish BLOCK LINKS for Simultaneous Channel Switching!

    The option to link blocks together so that you can change the channel on two or more blocks by moving only one. This would save up the need to use a Scene for this. For example: BLOCK LINK ties Amp -> Cab BLOCK LINK A -> AMP Channel A -> CAB Channel A (Dumble link) BLOCK LINK B -> AMP...
  3. kit dunborg

    Link a single channel to global blocks?

    Hi there, long time axe II user, just switched to the III and I love it! I have a question though: When saving an amp within the global blocks all 4 channels are saved as far as I understand. Same thing if I safe within the block library. I am setting up the axe for live playing and what I...
  4. yek

    Wish Option to link AMP and CAB channels

    I'm reposting an old wish of mine. I'd like to be able to link Amp and Cab channels in a preset. This would allow me to switch from (e.g.) a Fender amp model (channel A) to a Marshall model (channel B), and have the Cab block automatically switch along, from a Fender cab (channel A) to a...
  5. G

    Wish Linked Amp and Cabinet channels

    It would be nice to be able to set different cabinet models for each amp channel. The amp and cabinet blocks each have 4 channels, so it makes sense if changing Amp 1 from channel A to channel B can also change Cab 1 from channel A to channel B. Of course, this would be a setting, not an...
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