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Fretless guitar and Axe fx video

FANTASTIC! WOW. Blown away. Now: Record it better! I haven't played my fretless in years. You've inspired me! Just shared it on Facebook. Thanks for a great piece of music!
FANTASTIC! WOW. Blown away. Now: Record it better! I haven't played my fretless in years. You've inspired me! Just shared it on Facebook. Thanks for a great piece of music!

Thanks for sharing! Yes have to record it better one day. Too much ideas. I can make good recordings at home but it takes much to time to record it well. Most of the time I am more eager to play and write then to record.
What fretless guitar do you have?
Here a video of a new composition called "Frames" that I recorded yesterday with my fretless guitar and Axe fx. Sound is straight from the webcam. Hope you like it! YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgpF0TQ3IxA
Wow Barend,
Great to see and hear your music again. Been a Lemur Voice fan for quite long, and I really dug your sound on stick and bass. Now with the Axe it sounds even better. Keep it up!!! Take care.
Really nice song and performance. You should record it in high quality because it's really good! Thanks for sharing! :)
Wow Barend,
Great to see and hear your music again. Been a Lemur Voice fan for quite long, and I really dug your sound on stick and bass. Now with the Axe it sounds even better. Keep it up!!! Take care.

glad to know there still are Lemur Voice fans! That was a long time ago. Lot has happened musically since then. Stopped playing Chapman Stick and sold it long time ago. Really like the instrument but my sitar playing took away much practice time. Still play a lot of bass though especially fretless and upright bass. Thanks for your post!
Nice parts. That may be the best sounding fretless guitar I've heard (it is much purer, like a bass), although still the intonation of some chords is either off or you wanted them that way....tertian chords in alternate tunings I'm not a fan of. I looked up fretless guitar several years ago....intonation and sustain are what keep me away from it.
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glad to know there still are Lemur Voice fans! That was a long time ago. Lot has happened musically since then. Stopped playing Chapman Stick and sold it long time ago. Really like the instrument but my sitar playing took away much practice time. Still play a lot of bass though especially fretless and upright bass. Thanks for your post!

Oh cool, I listened to "Insights" again just a couple of months ago. It still holds up :)
Good stuff! I actually ordered a surfreter last week and am expecting it tomorrow. Now I want it even more..!

ok, nice. Did you order a new one with the Imetal fretboard (silver color)? Mine is with the more golden colour. I am really curious about the difference in sustain between the two. Vigier of course says the new one has more sustain but I am wondering if there is really much difference.
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It still isn't here! :( Oh well next week hopefully. It will have the imetal board. I have played a few of these and they do have great sustain, but I haven't tried one with delta metal so I can't comment on the differences. I'm sure either will sustain well though!
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