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Bug? Graphic Eq not working in version 8


I use graphic eq blocks before and after the amp. Whilst the level appears to adjust the overall volume, the frequency sliders do not.
Might be a bug, or perhaps something with my configuration.
Are you doing this from the front panel...or AxeEdit? Do not use AE, use the front panel only as there are issues with AE using fw8.0.
The patch was originally created in axe edit. But i have tried again from scratch with the same result.
I am unable to reproduce and I am using version 8.0a. Do mean to say when you do it from scratch you are not using AE at all? If you create from the front panel only you are getting same results?
The frequency sliders don't "adjust the overall volume" - does that mean they don't affect the EQ like they should? Or just the volume?

Assuming the blocks are not bypassed...
Hahahaha...I had to re-read what I wrote a couple times before your comment clicked lol ...huh...hah
Impertinent of me, I know, but I couldn't resist.

Back to the OP's issue...I agree, it would be good to clarify what the OP means by "adjusting the overall volume" with one band of a graphic EQ.
Sorry guys, I didn' write this well.

The sliders do not affect the sound at all. I am a very experienced user (had the ultra for 3 years) and have always used the graphic to shape the tone before and after the preamp. The block is not bypassed.
It's working fine for me here. Try slamming the high-frequency sliders all the way up and the low-frequency sliders all the way down. Compare that to the opposite configuration. Still no difference?
Slight thread hijack: am I hallucinating that the values on the individual sliders used to be displayed without selecting each one in turn? I only see the value on the one selected for the main control.

But to the OP, the EQ itself seems to work just fine. Hope you get yours sorted.
...am I hallucinating that the values on the individual sliders used to be displayed without selecting each one in turn? I only see the value on the one selected for the main control.
It's the drugs. :) That's typical behavior for the Axe-Fx front panel.
Slight thread hijack: am I hallucinating that the values on the individual sliders used to be displayed without selecting each one in turn? I only see the value on the one selected for the main control.

I'm not sure I remember that exactly; did they ever show a value?

It would be nice to have the value displayed over the bands the ABCD controls are centered on.
It would be really nice to see them all, especially when you never know if you might have moved one by mistake. It's hard to see small changes visually
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