Axe Fx II Shipping Date....?

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It's time for this nonsense to stop and Fractal to start taking orders with a 2-stage fulfillment process:

Stage 1. Overnight Thorazine when the order is placed

Stage 2. Ship the Axe II when they are ready
Block the IP addresses of all users who complain to the store. Should leave plenty for the rest of us. After 30 days, then re-enable their IP address. :)

Works for me!
I look at it like this, when its available it's available. There is nothing any of us can do to make the process go buy faster and Cliff is doing the best he can. Everyone here that is complaining all your doing is pissing off the FAS staff, not good. Cliff makes an outstanding product and I understand everyone is anxious to get their hands on one, I am too. But stop bothering these guys so they can work and get them out to us. Every time you ask for a status update means less time for them to work on product..
Only takes an Axe Fx II Shipping thread to have a lot of Grown ups acting like teens on the World Premier of "Porkys" 1982!!!!! muhahahah

PS: Are We there Yet?
that may have been posted, but if it was on, cliff's username is: cliffc8488...which is obviously 200 more than cliffc8288.....200 more what?.... I have no idea.....

This was posted on another board. (Not true, just pulling your chains.)
Let's hope that this is not the case but if it is then "C'est la Vie". Maybe one of the issues here is the refusal of Fractal to take orders, I can fully understand that Cliff probably feels that if he did take orders and payment then he would be obliged to deliver ASAP and the type of folks that are crying here would be screaming. On the other hand I think the world is quite used these days to the concept of pre-ordering and paying for things with no fixed delivery date, examples being anything from the latest Apple gizmo to Harry Potter books. This could be construed as a being a little condescending towards the customer base. My five year has been waiting for the “Cars II Movie” (are you seeing the similarity) for 8 months and fully understands when I tell him “They have not finished making it yet”.
I suppose because other companies have used marketing strategies than on the surface appear to be similar to what is happening here, i.e. making people log on every day to see if the thing is available yet, maybe people start to believe that it is a strategy and that they are being "strung along".
I on the other hand would be more than willing to give the man the cash and wait for a pleasant surprise to arrive at my doorstep whenever :)
Please don’t think for a minute that I am offering any advice or solutions, I am simply commenting on human nature and offering my point of view, which since I can’t speak for anyone else, is the only one I have ;).
Axe <---> (o)===:::
Who cares if it's 4-6 weeks, just let us know straight forward. This is just sad how we are treated. :(
Who cares if it's 4-6 weeks, just let us know straight forward. This is just sad how we are treated. :(

"We"? I feel I've been treated just fine, as does the majority of the forum. I'd be willing to venture a guess that even those who wish there were more updates certainly don't feel mistreated.
"We"? I feel I've been treated just fine, as does the majority of the forum. I'd be willing to venture a guess that even those who wish there were more updates certainly don't feel mistreated.

"I can not bring myself to post this on my own board,"

I am glad you like that.
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