Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

the REVV sound like a mix of a recto and an engl with their best parts. You have the low "omph" of the recto, let's say "the balls", that you dont really have with an engl, but it is more high gain than a recto, well. That's maybe just a REEV haha
THE REVV 120S ARE IN THE AXE FX LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Cliff, I take it you modeled them off the Mk III correct? I own a 100R mark III and its awesome.

Short explanation: Purple is the SLOish channel. The aggression switches boost certain frequencies. Blue boost the upper mids, while red makes things kinda big and massive. I guess you can consider me a Revv Fan boy lol. Red Channel is the "recto" channel. I use SLO and Recto to give people an idea of what it sounds like.
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Here's the list of 39 in text format, in case it's helpful to anyone ...

Dyna-cab list:
1x8 5F1 Tweed
1x10 BF Princetone
1x10 Metro Blues
1x10 SF Princetone
1x12 AC20
1x12 Car Ambler
1x12 Deluxe Tweed
1x12 Deluxe Verb
1x12 Div13 011
1x12 G12T-100
1x12 Hot Kitty
1x12 Jr Blues
1x12 Nuclear Tone
1x12 Tweed 20112
1x12 Vibrato Lux
1x15 Heart Key
1x15 Portabass
1x15 Vibratoverb
2x10 Heart Key
2x10 Super 6G4
2x10 65 Bassguy
2x12 Chiefman
2x12 Class-A 30W
2x12 Double Verb
2x12 Lead 80
2x12 Texas Star
4x10 Bassguy RI
4x12 1960TV
4x12 5153
4x12 Citrus
4x12 Friedman CB
4x12 Friedman V30
4x12 Lerxst
4x12 Recto Slant
4x12 Recto Straight
4x12 Rumble EV12L
4x12 Rumble EV12S
4x12 Solo 100
4x12 USA Mc90
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ok, I have tried 5 minutes the REVV and it already kick ass. Never tried one before, but saw some commercials through the web. Ok it sound great .

the amp didn't have clean channels ? If they are, it can be super cool to have them too !
Purple is the SLo channel and Red is like the recto channel. It has a Clean channel which is ok, but I hope Cliff brings in the green channel from the MK III. Its REALLY awesome and is sorta like a JMP.
ok, I have tried 5 minutes the REVV and it already kick ass. Never didn'tve clean channels ? If they are, it can be super cool to have them too !

the amp didn't have clean channels ? If they are, it can be super cool to have them too !
I agree. probably not the first choice by typical users of that amp, but that Green channel is killer. a friend of mine actually had that amp and Green is super versatile and just sounds awesome for overdriven tones. maybe (hopefully ;) ) Cliff will add it in the near future...
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