Does anyone actually like the pickup selector on the upper side?

Maybe not to crowd or over-route one section or could just be the appearances....most of those designs are 60-70 years old
EDIT posts crossed in the mail.
My reply was to @ruso's post.

^^^ This, for me too.

So how come it's not like that, and hasn't been, for decades?
I think a lot of designs, such as the Les Paul, were just never improved on. Many manufacturers place the toggle where it is aesthetically pleasing. Form should always follow function.

With that said, my the location on my Charvel San Dimas is just about perfect for me.
I'm kind of surprise ppul actually don't like the upper horn placement... I love it. it's a fav. far enough out of the way that I don't accidentally hit it with my spastic playing (hehe) and yet visually right in my face to see... and easily flipped on an upstroke. there are some new models with it... like the majesty. like anything else... some love it and some hate it... don't know why I'm surprised!
I like it there, it's out of the way yet eminently reachable, so I can just slap at it and get what I want. FWIW I never use the middle position on a 3-way toggle. Just don't enjoy that sound. When I did a Tele-like guitar, guess what I did for the switch?

I think a lot of designs, such as the Les Paul, were just never improved on. Many manufacturers place the toggle where it is aesthetically pleasing. Form should always follow function.

This is what I think exactly. I loved Les Pauls for a while, but that pickup selector placement I could never understand. I got used to it, but I always thought it was a bad idea. I do wish more guitars had a volume-tone-volume-tone knob configuration, though. That’s one thing the Les Paul taught me to love!
I’m ok wherever but I tend to accidentally switch my Strat while playing. Usually when it’s on the neck, and it gets knocked towards the middle. The LP style is the best I think.
I really like upper bout switches. I guess I’m just used to it- I can switch it as fast as my strat or ASAT.
The only switch that sometimes throws me is my SG. I get used to it fast, but it takes a few minutes of adjustment time. I switch a lot.
After cutting my teeth on Strats, I used to hate the upper switch on Les Pauls. Now I've gotten used to it and don't mind it at all. The Strat switch location is too far forward and the angle makes it too easy to accidentally knock out of the neck position when really giving it some shwang. I've never had that issue with the upper switch on a LP.

The worst has to be the rotary switch on some PRS guitars. Not only is the rotary switch choice odd, but it's way the hell behind the bridge. Some folks like it, but it's not for me. Glad to see they've moved to mostly toggle and blade switches these days.
Like a Les Paul?
I'd much rather it was next to the other controls, for faster tone changes, but that arrangement has persisted for so long on certain models, maybe there's some good reason to like it I haven't thought of.
On my Majesty, the Piezo/Mag selector is there, and I still sometimes reach for it, due to a couple decades of using my LP. And getting old and forgetful. ;)
The worst has to be the rotary switch on some PRS guitars.
Totally agree! I used to like the 2nd-from-the-last position, so I would actually practice quickly rotating the switch all the way, then back one position, which sometimes during a song I would miss.
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