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Guitar learning software/app


Power User
Just looking to start practicing and honing my skills more this year. I have lots of toys and gear, the talent simulator needs work :)

Wondering what Ipad apps or computer software or videos everyone's using these days.
Sweet! Thanks for the replies. Do you guys subscribe then too?

Yes I do. I pay the monthly fee. sometimes I use it sometimes I don't but it's always there for me when I do need it. there are so many styles covered from country swing to fast melodic picking to blues to jazz. you should always learn something new. Start slow and speed up.
Truefire is absolutely worth the monthly or annual fee if you have the cash. It's much easier than finding good free youtube videos (which there are also plenty of). I bought a tele a couple of months ago, which all of a sudden made me want to play country. I found plenty of challenges on Truefire, especially a country lead course by Jason Loughlin(sp?). Every course adds a little to your chops.
Just wanted to say thanks again for pointing me to Truefire guys - I've hardly used it more than a few hrs so far but sheesh some of the tricks I've added into my playing are awesome. Dweezil's Fretboard Freedom is awesome!
FWIW, JamPlay and TrueFire are both options worth considering. As they ultimately compete with each other, note that they both have their strong suits and shortcomings. Both have a trial period for evaluation and have similar monthly/annual subscription structures. Personally I prefer JamPlay's layout but it's (obviously) completely personal preference.
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