Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.04 Public Beta

Really like it! The Test type seems to add a pleasing 'roundness' to lead tones, both on clean and gainy patches. Seems to smooth the high end in a very nice way too without losing much note definition. Great!
So when do you start modeling an old Mullard 12ax7, or is that what vintage is? ;) Very cool. I have to admit though, I've pretty much forced myself to work within the parameters of TMB and presence and then using the speaker tab to dial the bass resonance the way I want on the IR. Using OH V3 raw mix IRs at the moment...modern and vintage flavors.

Yep, this is exactly what I was alluding to. See: FAQs What is tube rolling?
I can hear the forum chatter now...

"Try switching out V1 in the 100W Plexi Model to NOS GE 12ax7 model for a smoother top end..."
"You can get more headroom for that amp by putting a 12at7 in the preamp."

The possibilities boggle the mind.
When I select TEST and change Preamp Hardness I hear it clicking.

EDIT: Preamp Hardness NOT Peeamp Hardness. Too fat fingers for mobile phones
Question for Cliff I would say, I noticed that the preamp hardness ranged between 8.00 and 9.00 on most amps before the 18.04b. Plexi was 9.00. JCM800 was 8.5 , AC30 8.00 etc , now when reset they all default to 7.50 . Is the default correct or should they be set at previous values ?
Thanks Cliff and team... the 5153 50 watt is a killer amp. It sounds incredible and now replaces the 5153 100 watt as my main amp for modern patches. Love it... Wait until I tell my wife I got a $1000 amp head for free today... :encouragement:
This is a minor update over 18.03. The most significant change is the addition of the "Preamp Tube Type" parameter. There are three settings: Modern, Vintage and Test. Modern is the model used in 18.03. Vintage is the model used in 17.xx. Test is a new algorithm I've been working on that models cutoff behavior more accurately. This parameter is ONLY available from the front panel at this time.

There is also a new 5153 50W Blue amp model.

Mark I/II:



The 5153 Blue 50Watt is beautiful!
I'm astonished how good the new 5153 Blue 50w sounds (thru 4x12 Basketweave G12m25 (RW).
I'm Gobsmacked! I'm taking the day off work. This smokes my favourite Friedman HBE away.
Thank you so much for this Cliff.

:eek::eek::eek: :D:D:D
Ok, so everyone seems to have their own interpretation of what they are hearing (cool aint it?). My interpretation is that Test is a subtle change, but seems to clear a tiny bit of congestion. It's not that it was congested sounding before, but changing back and forth, there's some sort of mid that goes away with Test that makes it sound more open to my ears. I like. As always, thanks for your relentless pursuit of perfection Cliff!
This is fascinating… I've just loaded 18.04, and haven't begun playing with it yet… but who would have imagined that anything would drop so soon after the generational change of v18.

As InsideOut said, it truly is a relentless pursuit of perfection. Cliff makes Captain Ahab look like a slacker in his commitment to the hunt… but instead of going down with the ship, we all get to feast on the great white whale.

All right, I know that isn't the best analogy (and maybe I should have said “spoiler alert”) but the surprises just keep on coming, and our continued thanks sound inadequate after a while. Still – thank you, Cliff.
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Wonder if the Vintage setting will bring back what I missed from 17 while keeping all that's great with 18?

Can't wait to find out!!
I don't know if I can add to the great things that have been said about Cliff and Fractal's continual strive for excellence. Another fantastic update. Oh, the 5153 blue 50 watt is pure 80's high gain sex!!! Add cab F059 set gain lower than 5, tweak eq to taste and hold on..... :)
Love the options. Like the vintage settings. I like it as it sounds a little less congested to me on some amps.
A little more low mid also?
But the different settings works on different amps, and also what i'm going for.
You can't choose that in a tube amp (on the fly)
Cameron CCV, vintage and upping the bright kills. IR #58/PT combination.....

And the new blue amp is very very very very very very very good.

Thanks a lot!!
Cliff, I'm reading mixed messages on this forum about this new update. It has to do with preamp tubes,correct?
If so...GREAT, then there is a lot of misunderstanding going on, cause I'm reading A LOT about how you can go back to 17xx just changing preamp tubes?
I find it hard to believe that is the difference .........

Thanks for the update!!
Cliff, I'm reading mixed messages on this forum about this new update. It has to do with preamp tubes,correct?
If so...GREAT, then there is a lot of misunderstanding going on, cause I'm reading A LOT about how you can go back to 17xx just changing preamp tubes?
I find it hard to believe that is the difference .........

Thanks for the update!!

No. The "Vintage" Preamp Tube Type is similar to the algorithm used in 17.xx. There are many other differences between 17.xx and 18.xx. Specifically "Vintage" sets the shape of the triode algorithm waveshaper to be the same as 17.xx but the fundamental algorithm is still different. In the Axe-Fx triodes are modeled as more than just a waveshaper. The waveshaper is only part of the algorithm. The Vintage type uses the same waveshaper as 17.xx. 18.00 used a new waveshaper which is called "Modern" in this beta firmware. "Test" is a new waveshaper I've been working on that has a different saturation model.

Everything changed in 18.xx, the triode algorithms, the power amp amp algorithms and most of the models were updated.
No. The "Vintage" Preamp Tube Type is similar to the algorithm used in 17.xx. There are many other differences between 17.xx and 18.xx. Specifically "Vintage" sets the shape of the triode algorithm waveshaper to be the same as 17.xx but the fundamental algorithm is still different. In the Axe-Fx triodes are modeled as more than just a waveshaper. The waveshaper is only part of the algorithm. The Vintage type uses the same waveshaper as 17.xx. 18.00 used a new waveshaper which is called "Modern" in this beta firmware. "Test" is a new waveshaper I've been working on that has a different saturation model.

Everything changed in 18.xx, the triode algorithms, the power amp amp algorithms and most of the models were updated.

Thank you, SIR! I understand now.
No. The "Vintage" Preamp Tube Type is similar to the algorithm used in 17.xx. There are many other differences between 17.xx and 18.xx. Specifically "Vintage" sets the shape of the triode algorithm waveshaper to be the same as 17.xx but the fundamental algorithm is still different. In the Axe-Fx triodes are modeled as more than just a waveshaper. The waveshaper is only part of the algorithm. The Vintage type uses the same waveshaper as 17.xx. 18.00 used a new waveshaper which is called "Modern" in this beta firmware. "Test" is a new waveshaper I've been working on that has a different saturation model.

Everything changed in 18.xx, the triode algorithms, the power amp amp algorithms and most of the models were updated.

Young man, this sounds like something that you'd "hard print" to each amp sim, and pick the one that suits that typical amp's behavior the best. I think it's awesome that you are revealing it so that we can choose/customize, but is this something you plan to keep in the firmware going forward, or only in this beta?

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