Looking for Amps on Craigslist and Found This

It's quite obvious this guy is a very busy man, and does this sort of thing in his down time. Not like this is the work of someone who has too much time on their hands or anything.....Oh, and butt hurt much?

What is obvious to ME is that this guy is an idiot! 'nuff said....
Fractal Audio MUST be making some kind of inroads to the amp community for that guy to post what he did.

Maybe he feels "threatened" somehow?

Though I cannot imagine why.....the axe fx is just modeling the tones of great amps...what is so threatening about that?
I guess i'll never understand why somebody would go through all that work to basically say "you are all morons because you like this and you should the other thing". Why is it so important to some people tell me what i should like?
It's sad but some people just cannot accept that the world is ever-changing, and as technology progresses these things that once were "it" are no longer even relevant.
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All but two vintage amps are gone (50's Bogen and 60's McGohan, both converted PA amps). They're really cool, but even those will be sold soon too. No more pedals or cabs.

All Axe FX, all the time.

And I've been through a load of killer amps (pedals too).
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