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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

Found out something interesting. I loaded up Q2.0, went to one of my favorite presets and didn't touch the Amp the in X state, but in the Y state I deselected then reselected that same Amp and then went page by page and made the settings all match the original X-state (double checked everything). And you know, there was a noticeable difference in the tone and volume. I had read that sometimes you should "reset" the Amp, but I never before actually did it, as I thought the FW automatically did it for you. Just sharing my experience with you guys.
I noticed this very often - the sound "between" the Firmwares - before you resete the Amp.
Hey all, updated to 2.0 today. Like it a lot. What the heck happened to the Bludojai amps? !!! I had a patch I was tweaking that I couldn't get quite right... With this update it's amazing!
I haven't had blisters like this from playing since... I can't even remember. I was going to whip together a vid over the weekend of a new patch I made with Q2, but it's gonna have to wait a few more days now. I just couldn't stop playing, and now I can't play any more bends :)
All the Dumble type models were reworked. Try the Two Stone.

The Two-Stone might be my favorite member of the Dumble family. It might seem dark but with a little extra Treble (no Presence) it cuts right through the mix. Cliff once commented on the "chirp" of the model and that's a great description. Beautiful sustain and feedback too.
which speaker or cab do use with D-Style-amps? The Factory Rumble sounds very dark...........
I just updated to Quantum 2.0 from the 1.6 and now , finally, I can hear a warm compression on the amps. Great job. I hope in next firmwares there will be a new insert FX Amp Loop Block to put effect between Preamp and Power amp without using Two Amp Blocks. Thanks to Fractal Team !!!
Thanks Fractal for an amazing firmware update.

I don't usually favour Marshall style amps, but I'm really enjoying the Satriani models. I'm having a bit of trouble getting them to sound like Coldplay though, haha!

Same here, I was using the Friedman HBE model but now I've switched the the JS410 Lead OR. Sounds awesome!
I just updated to Quantum 2.0 from the 1.6 and now , finally, I can hear a warm compression on the amps. Great job. I hope in next firmwares there will be a new insert FX Amp Loop Block to put effect between Preamp and Power amp without using Two Amp Blocks. Thanks to Fractal Team !!!
Although I appreciate your intention, what you're asking won't be fulfilled (technical reasons), but more importantly probably doesn't need to be fulfilled.

We have a tendency to expect to hear effects in the loop because that was how it was always done - but in the digital world, you can add it post-amp, and get all the benefits with none of the drawbacks.

I recommend adjusting your mindset to be comfy with chucking effects after the Amp block - sounds just as good!
None of the JS amps show up on my amp list. I updated to 2.0 (from 2.0 Beta 3), but the list goes from Jr Blues to Matchbox D-30.


Also, I went through the entire amp list, and found two more (for a total four) amps that don't have a "Basic" screen in Axe Edit. Here are all four:
Suhr Badger 18
Suhr Badger 30
Citrus RV50
Citrus Terrier

All four have every other screen, but no "Basic." The front panel of the unit is unaffected. And yes, I looked for the JS amps on my front panel too, and they aren't there.

Should I re-load Quantum 2.0?
I turned everything off (even the iMac), had a glass of juice, came back and turned it all back on. Now, the JS amps show up on the front panel of the unit, but still not in Axe Edit. So I selected the Js410 Crunch Or from the front panel, and here's what it says in Axe Edit:
I turned everything off (even the iMac), had a glass of juice, came back and turned it all back on. Now, the JS amps show up on the front panel of the unit, but still not in Axe Edit. So I selected the Js410 Crunch Or from the front panel, and here's what it says in Axe Edit:

Select Refresh in Axe-Edit.
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