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Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

But the Speaker page certainly changed for some models. Pretty sure this is what some people are referring to. The new Low Freq res values made a huge difference for me. I've only played the Recto Red's recently, but glad you decided to use the best sounding values vs the more accurate values you had in the beta. I should hop on a plane to New Hampshire just to shake your damn hand.

I said "algorithms".
Yeah the Quantum 2's (betas / final) are great, and I got to play with the JS amp last night. Love it. Every time I start GASing for an am (like the new JP 2C) I just turn on the AXE FX and noodle for a bit.

The infection dies quickly.
Yeah the Quantum 2's (betas / final) are great, and I got to play with the JS amp last night. Love it. Every time I start GASing for an am (like the new JP 2C) I just turn on the AXE FX and noodle for a bit.

The infection dies quickly.

Yeah, it blows my mind. I used to G.A.S. for amps constantly and now, even just going thru one FRFR speaker, I don't find myself looking for other options out there.
Yes, since I've got the Axe, I've been able to save for two truly excellent guitars. Before, I bought a new amp every year or so. And it keeps getting better even. I can't think of any other musical instrument that does that.
Sounds really close and good. An interessting point - the legend tells us, that Joe Satriani played it through a Zoom 9002.......not really a great tool......:D

Don't think so, the 9002 was about 2 years from being released yet when Surfing came out :)
Help a noob on the acronyms please ...

LOL! Sorry, I'm older than dirt and have been on forums so long I don't even realize when I'm doing it. :)

For years people always talked about G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) because there were so many amps and guitars coming out from every angle and all of us were one purchase away from a divorce. :)
Loving the new 70 Marshall Plexi through a good basketweave IR capture. I really like the voicing of this amp!
Found out something interesting. I loaded up Q2.0, went to one of my favorite presets and didn't touch the Amp the in X state, but in the Y state I deselected then reselected that same Amp and then went page by page and made the settings all match the original X-state (double checked everything). And you know, there was a noticeable difference in the tone and volume. I had read that sometimes you should "reset" the Amp, but I never before actually did it, as I thought the FW automatically did it for you. Just sharing my experience with you guys.
I would like to note that after experimenting with transformer properties, B+ time and speaker parameters in the amp block, I've created by far my strongest patches yet. I am liking Quantum 2.
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