Your thoughts on new Gibson Victory Guitars?

Seem like a bit of deja vu - a number of years ago Gibson tried a few new things then came to the realization, it seemed, that their bread and butter is the iconic LPs, SGs, 335s ...
I thought they looked like fun guitars, the 25.5 body seems very interesting for low tuning. I dig the body and the hockey stick headstock a little haha
Sad Jim Carrey GIF
I rather strongly prefer the 80s headstock.

If I was in a situation where I was willing to spend $2k on an HH guitar, I suppose I’d try it. I don’t think I’m in their target demographic, though.
Yup, They should have just reissued it with the original headstock! Even then it's pretty fugly.
I put my hands on one this morning (didn't plug it in). I thought it felt pretty good and solid but could use some improvement in its balance, as it was a little neck heavy. I prefer the looks of the LP and Explorer, but I can see why Gibson is trying something different. I think it's overpriced (but aren't they all?) but you know what emblem is on the headstock.
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My local music store back in the 80s (now long gone) let me take one of these home for a weekend to try it out. It was well balanced and played wonderfully. Ultimately I didn’t buy it simply because back then I couldn’t afford to pay for it.

I would have considered buying one of the new version if it was a true reissue. I definitely hate the Explorer headstock grafted on to this new version. Additionally I think that they’ve attempted to recreate the wrong version. It should have been the Victory MVX that was reissued. Part of the versatility of that version is the HSH pickup configuration. Also on a minor note, the colors suck.

Gibson close but no cigar.
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