Your favorite guitarist


SICK player!!
Was watching a 'lesson' of his, where he was ascending through diatonic arpeggios. Which most people would play as sweeps. He goes, "I like to stay with alt-picking for the note separation." :astonished:

It was ASTOUNDING how fast he was alt-picking SINGLE-NOTE-PER-STRING arpeggios!
imho he is the most articulate alternate picking guitar player i have ever seen, and as per a lesson pack i purchased of his, alternate picking an arpeggio until its not possible to be any quicker is the best way to train yourself to sweep pick because it helps you to ensure, your fretting hand is really precise in coordination , with your picking hand, rushing up sweep picking alot of people end up using a lil legato unkowingly by just fretting harder and the picking hand not picking the note properly.

His music may not be for everybody , but he's an insanely talented player, just check his live videos, for how complicated his music is he has never made a single error live except for a couple of notes once at a NAMM clinic performance among almost all of his shows.

His string skipping ability is also the best among anybody else.

Plus most of the time he uses an axe 3 .
in case you haven't seen this,

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Looks like I'm on my own private island on this one, but out of all the amazing players in the world, the single biggest influence on my own playing is Steve Morse.
+1. I still watch Power Lines now and then to remind myself of his approach to practicing.
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