You know you're getting old when...

When you ate at Burger Chef....
And too much beef wasn't bad for you. Fast-forward to 55 y.o. and your angioplasty after downing pizza, wings, chili, beer, cheese dip, chips, hoagie...

Although I would have needed to work at my job on Super Bowl Sunday, my right foot toe contracted a staph infection that required a trip to Urgent Care. No hangnail or ingrown, just some major discoloration, swelling and infection of the soft tissue.

Taking a round of antibiotics and foot soaks until midweek. Wanna know the kicker?

I felt so bad about letting my assistant manager down (he had to cover my shift), I didn't bother watching the game. Nope. Watched a couple minutes at the beginning, and realized it was a huge business sell, and I really wasn't buying. As soon as one of the commentators started in on radio broadcast history, I was done.

Spent the day behind my computer quietly. Enjoying some pie and a cuppa tea.
And too much beef wasn't bad for you. Fast-forward to 55 y.o. and your angioplasty after downing pizza, wings, chili, beer, cheese dip, chips, hoagie...

Although I would have needed to work at my job on Super Bowl Sunday, my right foot toe contracted a staph infection that required a trip to Urgent Care. No hangnail or ingrown, just some major discoloration, swelling and infection of the soft tissue.

Taking a round of antibiotics and foot soaks until midweek. Wanna know the kicker?

I felt so bad about letting my assistant manager down (he had to cover my shift), I didn't bother watching the game. Nope. Watched a couple minutes at the beginning, and realized it was a huge business sell, and I really wasn't buying. As soon as one of the commentators started in on radio broadcast history, I was done.

Spent the day behind my computer quietly. Enjoying some pie and a cuppa tea.
Sorry to hear about yer foot. Hope it gets better quickly.

I am with this guy on the whole sportsball thing:
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You know you're getting old when your kid asks you to build a model volcano out of papier mâché the night before his presentation, the stores are closed, and there isn't any vinegar or baking soda in the house...
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