Yet Another Metallica Battery preset (FW18)


Fractal Fanatic
Edit: Sounds sort of like Battery, certainly not a replica - much brighter. But it was around the neighborhood so I thought I would share.

Carvin 127C with Dimarzio CrunchLab, USA IIc+ amp + CK's 4x12 USA TRAD 57-121 (stock IR - factory 73)



  • Battery.syx
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You need to work on this tone some more I'm affraid. Right now is pretty different than 'Tallica's MoP tone.

Check this out, it's original mastertrack. You can use it for TM.

but Alberts sounds better :geek
I wouldn't decide which one "sounds better". The trick is not to decide which guitar tone you like more when listened alone, but which tone sits better in the mix with the rest of the band.

I'm not saying I don't like the Albert's tone (quite the opposite - it sounds really nice), just saying that it's quite different than reference tone he aimed for.
You need to work on this tone some more I'm affraid. Right now is pretty different than 'Tallica's MoP tone.

Check this out, it's original mastertrack. You can use it for TM.

Ha. ok.... I'll leave that to Guitarjon, he's the master at TM'ing Metallica.

BTW that's why I said "sounds kinda like battery". I was messing around with the IIC+ not trying to replicate this exact tone BTW. But I thought it was in the felt like sharing.
Incredible job bro! Thanks so much for the patch. Please do not let negative comments bring you down because you and the tone are incredible.

Whats sucks about the internet is it makes people who would never intend to hate to hate anyway. You clearly stated it wasnt a Battery clone tone yet was flamed regardless. Sigh. We want great tones over tone clones!

Please bring us more!!!! Again great job.
You need to work on this tone some more I'm affraid. Right now is pretty different than 'Tallica's MoP tone.

Check this out, it's original mastertrack. You can use it for TM.

Cmon bro after he clearly stated it wasnt a clone of Battery you say "you need work on this tone" in respect to how close it is to the original recording and you made use of the word "afraid" to extra hammer home how off he was.

Anyways he handled the comments very maturely and was not offended so all good. However I just wished people would take a second to think before they write so people arent reluctant to post great patches and clips in the future. I know I stopped posting after some unfair criticism.

He clearly didnt say "please critique this tone relative to Battery". He basically said heres a tone I made similar to Battery and hopefully you like it too.

Nuff said
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Well more said here.

Heres an example Kavoo of how you could have posted that message in a positive way:

Wow that tone is very awesome and your playing is excellent. If you are looking for more of a 'Tallica's MoP tone check this from its original mastertrack. You can use it for TM but please know yours is great on its own.

Yes I overly kissed his ass there so you might want to tone it down but I was just making a point. Call me thin skinned but I believe great work and effort should be praised.
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Are you in some sort of desperate need of beeing my Obi-Wan or what? I really don't need you to be my mentor teaching me how to reply other people's posts, so look elsewhere, mate... I'm too old to be an apprentice :)

Have some great time with your guitar and just released firmware instead... and cheer up :)

Oh, and just one more thing...
Heres an example Kavoo of how you could have posted that message in a positive way:

Wow that tone is very awesome and your playing is excellent
Sorry mate, but I couldn't post such message because of one simple reason - I don't like that tone so much to name it "very awesome". It's pretty nice, but not awesome to me since I prefer differrent kind of distortion. So tell me - why in your opinion I should be false and disingenuous? I'm certain that Albert doesn't deserved that :)

Like John Lennon said - being honest might not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones. That's why I prefer honesty :)
Are you in some sort of desperate need of beeing my Obi-Wan or what? I really don't need you to be my mentor teaching me how to reply other people's posts, so look elsewhere, mate... I'm too old to be an apprentice :)

Have some great time with your guitar and just released firmware instead... and cheer up :)

Oh, and just one more thing...

Sorry mate, but I couldn't post such message because of one simple reason - I don't like that tone so much to name it "very awesome". It's pretty nice, but not awesome to me since I prefer differrent kind of distortion. So tell me - why in your opinion I should be false and disingenuous? I'm certain that Albert doesn't deserved that :)

Like John Lennon said - being honest might not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones. That's why I prefer honesty :)

You seem to have poor reading comprehension skill and totally missed the OP's point of posting as well as mine. To quote Donald Trump "You're Fired!" as my apprentice before you can quit.

There is a huge difference between not liking the tone on its own versus saying it doesnt match up well to the original battery tone. If you dont like it then thats great and explaining to the OP why might result in a better patch. However you did not do that but instead said it didnt sound like Battery and the OP needs to get back to work to make it so. Well as clearly stated by the OP and myself he wasnt trying to tone clone Battery! He just made a patch he liked similar to battery and recorded a sample to see how his sounded versus the original.

Now that you hopefully understand this here is again a positive way to write your post without sounding like a jerk:

"Thanks for the patch and clip. If you are looking for more of a 'Tallica's MoP tone (which I prefer over yours) check this from its original mastertrack. You can use it TM it for your patch though I do understand you were doing your own sound.

Ps - Ron Jones is awesome and handsome!"
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Op, great job, your tone sounds like what metallica should have sounded like. Like it had balls, not thin with all the grunt scooped out.

You need to work on this tone some more I'm affraid. Right now is pretty different than 'Tallica's MoP tone.

Check this out, it's original mastertrack. You can use it for TM.

If you're an idiot kid who can't read, learn. If you're an old asshole who can't read, learn. Either way, go play in traffic.

He clearly states objective was not carbon copy, just ballpark.

Alberta, ignore the people who mindlessly criticize the doers and continue to do.
If you're an idiot kid who can't read, learn. If you're an old asshole who can't read, learn.
Well... if this is your crowning argument, then I'm really impressed with your maturity. But if you wouldn't mind I'll let my maturity to follow different path that doesn't lead to calling other people names like "idiot" or "asshole". Of course I still recpect your concept of maturity, live your happy life with it if it suits you :)

Alberta, ignore the people who mindlessly criticize the doers and continue to do.
In case you didn't noticed, the only criticized folk in this thread is me, and it's not because I said that AlbertA's tone is shitty or something (quite the opposite) but because I said it is DIFFERENT than 'Tallica's tone :)

EOT from my part and have nice day (or night, whatever you have in Texas at this moment) :)
Actually, the abstracted track sounds a bit heavier, because of the treble and upper mids. Kerrang, where there isn't any in the op's. Or, like 'cha-ching'.

And that has been in my mind lately, that while there are a lot of great sounding tones here, very few have the 'life' that you hear in some of the great recordings. Hmmm......
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