Yeks guide to the Fractal audio amp models - Update ?

Hey, I made a start but I’m swamped with work. I’ll probably going to update it in parts / phases.
I've never taken the time to thank you for your efforts on your Yek's guides to the amps and drive models. Over the last half-dozen years I must have read through both of those documents from end-to-end five or six times, checking out the links, etc. So much interesting history there, whether I was really interested in how the models would sound or not. Just because I don't play heavy metal doesn't mean that I don't enjoy reading about models that produce those tones. I had heard of so many of those famous amps/pedals, but had no idea what made them unique or why they were so famous / desirable. Those two documents you created really opened my eyes and helped give me the big picture. I understand it's a tremendous amount of work to produce a write-up for just one model, but I just want you to know that whenever you do produce any updates to either of those documents, there are many of us out here (largely silent) that will greatly look forward to what you have to say.
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