Yamaha DHR12M Success


I know, I know... there are lots of threads discussing powered wedge options and this particular model has come up quite a bit along with the EV PXM-12MP

When searching I find it peppered in with other posts, but no dedicated thread where folks who own it sing its praises as often or as highly as the EV option. So that brings me here! After hours of reading and Google Fu to try and find out more, I got down to brass tacks and called around to a few places near me in southern Ontario. Ended up talking with some buddies at a local shop (Sherwood Music) and pulled the trigger on a single Yamaha DHR12M,

Although the PXM-12MP has it beat by the sheer number of features (LCD, presets, very flexible EQ), it seemed to me that the specs are close enough to save a few hundred bucks. After all, I'm likely not going to use mine for anything other than FM9T goodness at home and on stage. It's not going on a pole, it'll be in front of me, or possibly behind me as a backline cab for certain gigs. A lot of members here have talked about doing that with their EVs and the clips shared have proven that can work very well with coaxial speakers, right?

Yesterday I picked it up, brought it home, and played some music through it while the drummer was setting up his kit at my place. Even with the HPF and D-Contour off, a variety of tracks sounded really good, very clear, with no harshness that people mention before break-in. Then we got down to business and ran through our set. Normally in our main space I would run IEMs and also through a poweramp with my 2x12, or through a Marshall 4x12 that's there, and when I'm practicing solo at home I would put my FM9T through the Tannoy mains we have. The Tannoys are amazing speakers, though I find sometimes they can be a bit harsh for some of my tones, at least in my finished, semi-treated basement.

Enter this DHR12M. Immediately I was struck by how smooth and clear it was for my go-to preset with this band, where I have a bright clean (Shiver), OD (boosted Shiver), and hot rock sounds (USA Lead). Even in mono, all my effects were very crisp, and the harshness I was hearing with the Tannoys simply wasn't there. No EQ needed on OUT2, and the wedge was flat except for the high pass at 100 Hz. I was even able to find the sweet spots in my area of the room for controlled, singing feedback. I only had the volume up at unity on the wedge, and about 50% on OUT2 (+4 dB of course). When I moved around a bit, like beside and around the speaker, the sound was still quite balanced, the dispersion really impressed me - we don't use IEMs when practicing at my place, typically musician's earplugs like Hearos or similar so we can be prepared for gigs where they can't/won't give us a feed for IEMs.

So my first impressions are positive, and my bandmates agreed! I don't think I will need to lug my 2x12 ever again. I've got several gigs coming up in the next month so I'll be able to put this bad boy to work. If it ends up sounding even better after breaking it in, that would be a plus, but as of now very happy with this and I don't have FOMO for not buying the EV option even if it's quite well-loved here,

Hopefully people searching the internet for answers like I did will find this helpful. If anyone else has a DHR12M please chime in, I'd love to hear about your experience!

After this wave of gigs I'll report back too, I expect to have a glowing real-world review
I have one and the sound is really close compared to my CLR with D-contour off. Although the CLR has better dispersion and a tad louder compared to the Dhr12m. I’ll be using it this weekend in a full band setting, so we’ll see how it holds up. Overall, it’s a great monitor especially for the price!
I bought four of them while they were on sale recently. They look really great when stacked. I haven't gigged with him yet but I like what I hear so far for high gain. Do you guys ever use the D contour modes?


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I bought four of them while they were on sale recently. They look really great when stacked. I haven't gigged with him yet but I like what I hear so far for high gain. Do you guys ever use the D contour modes?

I don’t use it, it’s closer to my CLR with it off. I’ll do further testing this weekend.
I bought four of them while they were on sale recently. They look really great when stacked. I haven't gigged with him yet but I like what I hear so far for high gain. Do you guys ever use the D contour modes?
D countour (which is on most Yamaha speakers) is a smiley face Eq.
Doesn't make much sense to use it with the Axe.

I love my Yamaha DSR112 speakers, so may grab one of these coax wedges at some point.
I'm enjoying mine a lot, at low volume at home it really impressed me. Then at rehearsal in a (2 guitars, bass, drummer) Rock/metal band it sounds huge (mainly 5150, VH4 or Archean amps), I don't miss the SS power amp + Mesa 4x12 I was using before buying this plus this is much more portable for gigging in small clubs and I can play with IR's.

I have tried it both sitting on the floor behind me (like my 4x12 used to be) and mounted in a pole behind me. Obviously bass is stronger when on the floor but purchased the pole for when we play at small clubs to have it positioned more towards the listeners.

Just one question, at rehearsal I set the volume in the monitor to 12 oclock - 0db and I have the FM3 set to +4db and the output 2 knob maxed out. The green SIGNAL light in the DHR12M is blinking al the time (the red limiter one that is over it is not ever lighted). Does it mean I should lower the FM3 output or lower the monitor volume? I don't think so as the red limiter light is never on but... why is the green signal one blinking all the time? My guess is that it only indicates that there is an incoming signal but what to be sure.

This is from the manual and doesn't say what to do if SIGNAL one lits:

[LIMIT] indicator: Indicates (lit in red) that the limiter is on when the output voltage of the amplifier has exceeded the maximum level, or when excessive integral power consumption is detected. If this indicator stays lit, lower the input level.

[SIGNAL] indicator: Indicates (lit in green) when an audio signal exceeding the threshold has been detected.

[PROTECTION] indicator: Indicates (lit in red) when the protection circuit is active.The protection circuit will be activated and the speaker outputs will be muted in the situations listed below.
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From that description it sounds as though RED is indicating OUTPUT power (from amplifier to speaker) exceeding limits and GREEN is indicating input level (from FM3 to amplifier) is exceeding limits. I would turn down the FM3 until you no longer get the GREEN light at all (or at least VERY infrequently) and then turn up the monitor to compensate.
Almost two weeks later, and two cancelled gigs, I still haven't had a chance to use mine on a proper stage. But rehearsals for two bands at two different places including an upcoming 90s show this Friday, are showing me it can faithfully recreate whatever I throw at it with clarity and power! Friday will be an excellent test.

So far I've only used it in its natural wedge state. I tried out D-Contour in the Monitor setting, sounded good, I'll get a better sense of how useful that is after some gigs

From that description it sounds as though RED is indicating OUTPUT power (from amplifier to speaker) exceeding limits and GREEN is indicating input level (from FM3 to amplifier) is exceeding limits. I would turn down the FM3 until you no longer get the GREEN light at all (or at least VERY infrequently) and then turn up the monitor to compensate.
I interpreted the green signal light as an indicator of a healthy level, kinda like on mixers. There's no issues turning up further with any clipping or unwanted distortion with my DHR12M
Green for a "signal present" indicator is pretty standard. Could be something else on this unit, but it'd be a little surprising, and I'd expect it to be mentioned in the manual.
I'm enjoying mine a lot, at low volume at home it really impressed me. Then at rehearsal in a (2 guitars, bass, drummer) Rock/metal band it sounds huge (mainly 5150, VH4 or Archean amps), I don't miss the SS power amp + Mesa 4x12 I was using before buying this plus this is much more portable for gigging in small clubs and I can play with IR's.

I have tried it both sitting on the floor behind me (like my 4x12 used to be) and mounted in a pole behind me. Obviously bass is stronger when on the floor but purchased the pole for when we play at small clubs to have it positioned more towards the listeners.

Just one question, at rehearsal I set the volume in the monitor to 12 oclock - 0db and I have the FM3 set to +4db and the output 2 knob maxed out. The green SIGNAL light in the DHR12M is blinking al the time (the red limiter one that is over it is not ever lighted). Does it mean I should lower the FM3 output or lower the monitor volume? I don't think so as the red limiter light is never on but... why is the green signal one blinking all the time? My guess is that it only indicates that there is an incoming signal but what to be sure.

This is from the manual and doesn't say what to do if SIGNAL one lits:

[LIMIT] indicator: Indicates (lit in red) that the limiter is on when the output voltage of the amplifier has exceeded the maximum level, or when excessive integral power consumption is detected. If this indicator stays lit, lower the input level.

[SIGNAL] indicator: Indicates (lit in green) when an audio signal exceeding the threshold has been detected.

[PROTECTION] indicator: Indicates (lit in red) when the protection circuit is active.The protection circuit will be activated and the speaker outputs will be muted in the situations listed below.
I'd put the Yamaha volume at 3 o'clock and turn down your FM3. See what happens then with the lights.
First successful gig with the DHR12M, I had it setup behind me, next to the drums, blasting out as a wedge and feeding it from OUT2 copying OUT1. Also had my FM9 going direct through the PA, where a bit of HPF and HF boost at the board helped my sound cut,

My overall volume could have gone up a tad bit but it sounded great even with no EQ tweaks. HPF at 100, no D-Contour, the DHR12M volume was at noon (unity?) OUT2 volume just a hair above noon. I could feel it rumble a bit through the stage risers with my IEMs in, and got some good controlled feedback even in this big room! So the "real cab effect" gave me what I needed to feel good during the gig.

During sound check I had my IEMs out, so with my wireless pack I walked around the room. The PA/Yamaha combo was excellent. Next time I think I'll lay it on its side, but for a preliminary trial by fire, I was really happy and the audience was too from what people told us throughout the night.

Once again, great purchase! And I think it's only upward from here
If you were going though PA for the public and using iem for band monitoring, what was the monitor there for? Extra volume?

Btw, regarding the green light I was asking before, I can confirm as it’s just an indicator or signal coming in, not that it was hitting the limiter as it would be red instead, so nothing to worry about and still got margin to raise the volume even more.
If you were going though PA for the public and using iem for band monitoring, what was the monitor there for? Extra volume?
I always want a live cab on stage. Years of gigging with a loud-ass amp+cab setup along with house-provided vocal monitors, maybe with some guitar in them, make that experience a prerequisite.

Prior to getting this bad boy I would run a poweramp and 2x12 even with IEMs. I can still hear and feel the cab/wedge behind me pushing air, sometimes I pop out one earbud to hear everything, and some of it bleeds into the mics, which adds even more to the live real feel. If that's not there, I'm missing it
Btw, regarding the green light I was asking before, I can confirm as it’s just an indicator or signal coming in, not that it was hitting the limiter as it would be red instead, so nothing to worry about and still got margin to raise the volume even more.

Exactly, i have mine cranked all the way up and control my volume on Fm9.
I bought one DHR12M on sale mostly because of this post and I do not regret it.

I first tested it yesterday at home on music and although it lacked some bass compared to my monitors + sub system, the sound was clear and balanced. The dispersion control is good although not perfect (frequency response changes a bit when out of the dispersion cone). D-Control OFF felt more balanced but D-Control on FOH brought a nice warmer tone. Anyway, music listening on this speaker was enjoyable.

Then I tested on one guitar preset I had on my Helix and the sound was really good, without any tweaking : it had presence and depth at the same time and almost felt like my HK Tubemeister 20 on a 2x12 Engl cab. I need to do further investigations and try different presets and do some tweaking on the Helix, but this is very promising !

I may end up leaving my tube amps and go for a full modelling chain (currently, I use the Helix mostly for effects on the amp using the 4CM).

Do you have more feedback regarding this speaker ? Thanks in advance for sharing your lessons learned.
I bought one DHR12M on sale mostly because of this post and I do not regret it.

I first tested it yesterday at home on music and although it lacked some bass compared to my monitors + sub system, the sound was clear and balanced. The dispersion control is good although not perfect (frequency response changes a bit when out of the dispersion cone). D-Control OFF felt more balanced but D-Control on FOH brought a nice warmer tone. Anyway, music listening on this speaker was enjoyable.

Then I tested on one guitar preset I had on my Helix and the sound was really good, without any tweaking : it had presence and depth at the same time and almost felt like my HK Tubemeister 20 on a 2x12 Engl cab. I need to do further investigations and try different presets and do some tweaking on the Helix, but this is very promising !

I may end up leaving my tube amps and go for a full modelling chain (currently, I use the Helix mostly for effects on the amp using the 4CM).

Do you have more feedback regarding this speaker ? Thanks in advance for sharing your lessons learned.

Glad to hear you took a chance and it paid off, this speaker definitely is enough to make you ditch the amp+cab setup and go full modeler, IMO

I've used D-Contour in the monitor mode a few times and that has worked well both in our jam spaces and on a small local stage to give me some amp-like feel without excessive rumble.

When running into our board, I've been using Out 1 in stereo, then I copy Out 1 to Out 2 and Sum L+R to run that into the Yamaha. Dialing in some stereo presets (hard panned amps + cabs) on studio monitors and collapsing them to mono this way, they still sound good to me.

We're opening for a bigger band in March where we're on a large stage and this baby will be cranked up for stage volume - not sure if I should run it as a wedge or lying on its side in that setup yet though
Thanks for your reply.

On reason I may also take the modeler route is to go stereo with two active speakers. I have never tried stereo in a band and wonder what it brings to the music and if the sensations are better for the guitarist and for the audience...
I purchased a single DHR12M to go with my Fm9Turbo. I also have a Headrush 108. I had been using an EQ with the 108 that someone suggested on this Forum. It sounded “ok” but for the price I paid for the FM9, I wanted it to sound spectacular. What have people found regarding using the FOH/Main, Off, or Monitor setting? Ive been going back and forth between FOH/Main and Off using the 100hz and not quite sure which I like better? Regarding the eq setting that is suggested for the HR 108, could that be applied to the Yamaha or is that specifically for the HR?
Regarding the eq setting that is suggested for the HR 108, could that be applied to the Yamaha or is that specifically for the HR?
Although the HR EQ block was created specifically for the HR freq ranges nothing prevents you from trying it with the Yamaha.

Try it out. Maybe you will hear a difference, maybe not.
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