XLR Cable


I purchased my FM3 today with FC6, but the FAS LINK XLR was out of stock. Any suggestions on a comparable brand?
Alrighty then! I was looking at different brands wondering if anything was superior or made a difference. Ended up going with a Kirlin braided 20’.
Any guitar shop or music store should be able to hook you up. Any proper one will do, but a little more $ spent here generally means you get a more reliable, higher quality cable.
the money spent will be on the reliability of the cable, not really how well it transmits data/audio. this isn't audio, just signal/messages, so you don't need a $100 gold plated whatever with amazing spectral audio capabilities.

that said, i use the cheapy $5 ones or standard quality and either works fine. if the cheap one breaks, i just get a new one. but it doesn't break for years honestly. just saying you can use almost anything.
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