X/Y Switching

Jerry K.

Hello, I have been reading the Axe II manual and I have a question about X/Y switching. Is the advantage to using X/Y over going from preset to preset the speed it takes to switch? I understand the concept but I don't quite understand the advantage of X/Y versus preset to preset.

X/Y means that you can put more effect types in a single preset without taxing the DSPs. It's like having a virtual pedalboard. Esp. great if you stick to just a few amp presets.
Yes, altern. you can create multiple presets. The II offers the flexibility to choose whatever you prefer.
Speed: switching between X and Y takes a bit of time.
Not so much speed as ease of use. You can use X/Y instead of creating a separate patch that only differs in one block (e.g., clean and dirty amp).
When I will order a MCF in the near future, X/Y will be great for me programming a solo boost for each preset. That saves a lot of space. In the moment I need always an extra preset for soloing (I don´t make use of a pedal). My loyal Rolls RFC Midibuddy will soon be useless. - Norbert.
Thanks for the info. Yek, I am curious about your statement, "X/Y switching takes a bit of time". On page 36 of the manual it says that X/Y switching is "instant and seamless" Would you say it is at least as fast as patch switching?

I just thought of another use for x/y.
On blocks where you usually wouldn't have a stomp switch assigned and instead use an expression pedal to turn it on and off as well as control it, like a Wah block for example, you can set up an x/y stomp to get two different Wah's in the same preset using only one of your expression pedals.

I've been mostly using it for switching cabs or else having 4 drives in a preset, like one drive block is a mild tape drive or a Rat and the other drive block is a Fuzz or an octave distortion.
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Thanks for the info. Yek, I am curious about your statement, "X/Y switching takes a bit of time". On page 36 of the manual it says that X/Y switching is "instant and seamless" Would you say it is at least as fast as patch switching?


When I was using X/Y in Amp blocks, just weeks ago, switching certainly was not instant.
Compared to switching to the exact Y setup in another patch? It seems it should be faster using X/Y ....
Something that stands out to me for X/Y switching is using a single footswitch to modify several effects at the same time. This could be used in a couple of opposite ways:

(1) Changing a bunch of effets you use together. For example, switching from light overdrive with subtle flange and a slapback dealy to a monster overdrive with sweeping flanger and a big concert delay.

(2) Change settings in several effects that you never use together. I used this approach with the Ultra* to switch phaser resonance, rotary speed and tremolo waveform. Because I don't use these mod effects together, it makes sense to use a single footswitch to change the sound of whatever effect I'm using.

* This can be done on the Ultra with modifiers and a sysex message for the tremolo. The new X/Y features make this more powerful because you switch all parameters in your effects block (although sadly no X/Y on the tremolo block yet).
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