Would you be interested in a dust cover?

Is this something that’s intended to be left on while you play? All the extra room by the expression pedal makes me think not, but maybe it’s more flexible than it looks.
No, it’s hard plastic. You’d have to take it off to use it. It’s just to keep dust off and protect the unit when it’s not being used.
I have these for my synth that I tour with. They are really strong and very protective. It's saved my synth from significant damage on a number of occasions while touring.
I would absolutely buy one for my Axe Fx 3 and one for my FC-6 controller. And down the line, for an FM9.

It's perfect for situations like you've soundchecked, you're leaving your gear on-stage, and you want a bit of extra protection. Or, even as protection for within a case, say you store your FC within a Pelican case and then put a decksaver on as additional protection.

If anyone has an alternative to this, I actually desperately want something exactly like this. (I'm aware of Ceba/Zenrigs, but neither come close to the level of protection this would offer, something that would protect from things like accidentally being kicked by a stagehand or something)
Not more plastic!

According to their website:
Our commitment to the environment is to send no less than 95% of our factory waste for recycling, with zero going to landfill. Once dispatched to our recycling partner, the waste materials are washed, chipped and made ready to be transformed into brand new plastic items

And they also encourage people to recycle their unused decksavers with a financial incentive:
Can you recycle Decksavers?
You sure can, although our products are made from incredibly tough polycarbonate and will offer many years of service for your gear. Check with your local recycling centre for more information, or even better – send any unwanted covers back to us to recycle and we’ll give you a 25% discount from your next purchase at decksaver.com. Click on the button below if you want to recycle your cover with us.

I've had mine on my synth for around 5 years, and it's definitely saved it from being repaired or flat out replaced (lighting fixture being dropped on it).

I'd say the positive environmental impact of not replacing that gear (some of which itself contains plastic) has at least neutralised the use of plastic here, plus there are plenty of other places in my life that I could and should be doing more to reduce plastic usage other than protecting thousands of dollars of equipment. I suspect there'd be plastic components within Axe FX products somewhere or other too.

I've purchased food that has come in plastic that has served its' purpose for less than an hour, with this piece serving its' purpose for a far greater reason over 5 years, and I suspect it'll last another 5. And once it finally reaches the end of its' lifespan, I'll be sure to recycle.

You're right that we should all do better in this field, but in this instance I do feel justified in its use.
I would be interested, depending on the price though. I have a feeling it would be pretty costly. interested!
Be good in my little home studio-my home is dusty...................Nature of this old building I guess!
I would be interested, depending on the price though. I have a feeling it would be pretty costly. interested!
Be good in my little home studio-my home is dusty...................Nature of this old building I guess!
I got my synth one the equivalent of around US$40-50.

It's definitely good for a lot more than just dust though.
Red Sox flag dust cover that I can't get to stay up on the wall... I have a full-time dog in the house, and of course his preferred laying spot is right there, where the guitars are on stands to the right. (Great dog, and he can't help he sheds a lot. I brush him a lot, and then all you can do vacuum constantly. That's really the only thing he can't help it, and he is a great dog to spend time with, good natured to the core).

I would be interested, I'm paranoid about dust, constantly air dusting and worry about the interior electronics.


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You're right that we should all do better in this field, but in this instance I do feel justified in its use.
That's good that they're trying, and I agree about keeping all your stuff in good working order as long as possible, but in this case a towel would work just fine.
That's good that they're trying, and I agree about keeping all your stuff in good working order as long as possible, but in this case a towel would work just fine.
I know the title says dust cover, but this is more of a protective case, definitely much more than a towel, it would protect against people knocking the device accidentally.

It would certainly test it's limits, but I'd almost trust my synth cover to protect in the case of someone of medium weight accidentally putting their whole body weight on it. Not that I'm willing to test it out lol. But it's certainly really sturdy.

But more realistically, accidentally bumping it with road cases, accidentally kicking it a little bit or a little bit of body weight, dropping things onto it, are all things that this would protect against well.
Long story short, I asked Decksaver if they’ve considered making covers for the FM9 (and FM3). Here’s a pic as an example of the covers they make:

View attachment 102583

I know there are some soft covers out there but I kinda dig this style. Anyway, this was their response:

“At the moment we do not have a cover that fits this unit.

The tooling and development is quite expensive for each cover so we need to know there are numbers behind getting this done.

It’s been added to the request list and if it starts to get some heat we’ll look at it.”

I’d buy one if they made it. Just curious if anyone else would. If so maybe they’ll consider it.

So, I would definitely buy one for FC-6, EV-1 pedals. 2 of each for me. 😎
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