Would be if I could be (Mr Outside Looking In)


Excuse me, if this has been dealt with before,..

First post,, I'm a newbie wannabe if I could be..,, (pls direct me to a suitable link if that's the case)

So I've sold a few (Mesa) toys, and kept a couple of critical ones in an effort to turn to the dark side.. (ie. digital) All the research I've done indicates an AX8 is about the darkest, and 'bestest' I can get, for what I need to do.. (ie, variety of live rock covers).

Despite looking for a new, second hand, or even an AX8 that could fall off the back of a truck...
..they simply don't exist.

I've posted in all kinds of places wanted to buy offers, (which don't even get a look ,,, or a like)

I'm wondering whether its a conspiracy by god, to annoy the bejesus out of me? Seems someone has gone to a lot of trouble fabricating AX8 photos, forum threads,, even custom IR's and a user manual. I think only god could do that kind of thorough job on a conspiracy.

My local disti has a wait list, and won't bother responding ,, the manufacturer, has a waitlist ,, 'but refer to your local disti'... Anyone selling one second hand seems to have a waitlist..

Do they really exist??

Is there a solution?? I'd dearly like to be on the 'inside'.. (or is all just a marketing ploy and/or god conspiracy)
There are a few used ones around for sale. They seem to sell fairly quickly (as they have been out of stock for awhile). There is one here in the For Sale section...
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