Worth upgrading from XL+?

I'm wondering if there is enough of a difference to justify selling the XL+ and picking up the 3?

One thing I am thinking is that I am getting more in to electronic music, and perhaps the 3 has greater possibility for weird and crazy sounds? Making the guitar sound like not a guitar, etc?

Are the amp tones better?

How did you justify upgrading?

For me the ability to stay up to date with the latest firmwares and opportunities.
It's not that the XL+ didn't work for me anymore.

Besides that the AXE III sounds even better, more power and more possibilities. The good thing is, if you keep up with newer unit models, you can sell your previous device for a decent ammount since the value doesn't drop that fast. There is a market for people who are waiting for a good second handed unit and don't mind that it's not the latest model. So what i mean, the cost upgrading from an XL+ to a axe III should be a rather small investment for a world of new tones and the comfort being up to date with the latest firmware and guitartone heaven ;-)
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