wish: default reveal

Try a bank size of 0. Bank up & down to select presets (press & hold to scroll quickly). Row 1-scenes. Rows 2&3 IA's. No need for Reveal? Try it.
I tried bank size 0.. I just didn't like it…

the solution I've come up with above [rows 2 & 3 for pgm, XS 1 - 4 for fx] is really going to work well I think
this means I get scenes and a few individual fx essentially on the front row
given that these FX will be switches on via a modifier, it'll also offer more capability than simple on/off

I need to live with this for a while..
been thinking some more..
usings scenes etc, I can cram so much functionality into a single preset that I may only need 5 of them for a gig..

so I'm going to try this for now..

row3 - presets in a bank of 5
row2 - IA's for individual fx
row1 - scenes 1 thru 5

this means that I can live without the FS-6 for now [and I'm all for making things easier, smaller, simpler, less to setup / go wrong]

in the event that I need a 6th preset to get me through a gig, I'll reconsider at the time..
further thinkage....

all this talk of auto reveal off, set bank size to 0 so you need to Kango your way from preset 000 to preset 150, other screwy feature ideas we've all had, and of course my bad solution etc etc....

it'd all be completely redundant if we could:
- config bank size = 5
- be able to asign it to a row of our own choosing [in my case, row3]

maybe the brutality that Chris suggested was right afterall
set bank size = 5, open up the MFC and just physically move the switches so you end up with row1 in row3..
Chris... you're a genius..
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Me? I didn't come up with the ribbon cable switch (though it did cross my mind) but Cliff did say they will look into getting presets to start in another row or possibly put presets anywhere on the MFC after NAMM. No timeline or promises, but they'll look.
haaa… should have been specific as there's more than one Chris…

it was NiceChris

anyways… in the mean time…
my bad plan actually works a treat…
so if I can survive a live performance with 5 presets, each with 5 scenes, I have a complete 'one touch' solution
sure it have limitations.. but I know and understand them so I'm fully aware of the parameters within which I need to operate..
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