Widespread panic from 2011...


Fractal Fanatic
Never heard of these guys before. I turned on HDNet and saw a dude playing the guitar. I though to myself this guy has GREAT tone... Not 5 seconds later the camera pans across his Axe FX II.

I discovered them recently as well. I really, really like what Jimmy Herring is doing, both his tones and what he's saying through his instrument. It's almost an Allman Brothers - Fusion cross. And, he has an "old soul", as they say. The entire band has a great vibe going on!

BTW, based on some other things I've read I don't think he's use the AxeFX for his core amp tones. Do a "Jimmy Herring" search on the forum.

There was a good thread here about Jimmy a couple of months ago. Tone Seeker, you have a good ear... Jimmy's solo work is more fusion oriented.
IIRC, he uses the Axe for his fx but not core tone.
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